92: Difficult

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5:30 on the dot, I was in the window. Assuming she would be hungry, I brought her some McDonald's.

"Amour..." I whispered.

"Amour..." I shook her. No movement.

I checked her for a pulse. It was normal. But she was unconscious. So I went in the bathroom and wet my hand. I sprinkled the cold water on her face. She jumped while in the bed, nearly screaming.

"It's just me." I walked over and grabbed her flashlight. I turned it on and shined it on her. "Sit up so you can eat." I demanded.

I walked towards her. She had a scarf in her mouth and was tied to the bed. I pulled the covers off of her and her feet were tied to the bed too.

"What the fuck..." I tried to make sense of what was going on. Did he rape her?

Her eyes were bloodshot and she had a gash in her head. Handprints around her neck. I saw them under another scarf.

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

She glared at me and looked down.

"What?" I realized I needed to remove the scarf. So I did.

"He didn't. He did not rape me." She said.

I knew she was lying. But if that's the way she wants to go, then fine whatever.

"Ok but why did he tie you to your bed?"

"I tried to get out... And thanks. I am pregnant."

"You're gonna keep it right?"

She was silent.

I sat on the bed near her.

"Are you?"

She shook her head, tears in her eyes. She closed them tight. "I want to die. Do you have Liza?"

"Shooting yourself can get you out of here... Or dead but you have no idea what that can do to you. I want you to live. For me."

"You know what they could do to me if they wanted to? They will eventually kill me. I don't want to go with you."

"Can I take you to any other family member?"

"I want the abortion."

"Crazy. I'm not letting you do that to yourself. There is another person inside of you that might not get to live because you are being selfish. But it's alright. If I was aborted, would you have had someplace else to stay? Would you be where you are today?"

"I don't."

"With m... Oh right. Sorry."

"Mhm. But no. I wouldn't be tied to this bed if it weren't for you. You kidnapped me and ruined my life by loving me. Or so you say you did."

"I do love you. Why you think I'm here?"

"Why am I not with you?"

I had nothing to say. "Eat so I can leave." I said grabbing a fry for her.

"I don't want your food." She moved her head away.

"Difficult huh? Fine. Starve. Bye." I fixed the scarf back, grabbed the food, and replaced the flashlight then left.

All so nobody would know someone was in here.

Mí AmourWhere stories live. Discover now