156: Assault And Battery

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I called him for the 16th time but he didn't answer. It just frustrated me a lot and I don't know what happened to me.

What's wrong with me? I'm sitting here on the floor letting him caress me and comfort me like it's his job. That's why I need Vier. The mood is shaken now and I don't wanna make him leave because he's just being sweet.

"Lucas?" I shivered.


"I think Vier hates me."

"I don't hate you. I love you more than he does. He does just wanna have sex with you because he thinks he can take advantage of you. But give me the say so and that nigga's gone." He said.

I nodded not really wanting to believe him but I did at least 30%. I think I'm just dumb.

"Lucas, why did you do that to me? What kind of weed was that?"

"I'm really sorry. I got that from a friend and he said it was good so I figured I'd just let you have it. I don't know."

I nodded. "It's like I was paralyzed."

He was silent.

"I just wanna see Vier and make sure he's ok. But I know that if he didn't open the door, you would've raped me."

"How would I know you didn't want it? I'm sorry. You look tired."

"I am. I had a hangover."

"Let's lay down then."

I climbed up on the bed and laid down. He took off his shirt and got in the bed with me.


I looked over at my alarm clock. It was 4:10 PM. I tried to get out of Lucas's grip but he held me tighter. I heard my phone ringing in the living room.

"Lucas... My phone." I said shaking him.

He wrapped his arms much tighter around me.

I dug my nails into his wrist and he jumped awake.

"What the hell, Amour!" He semi yelled.

"I'm sorry Lucas. I gotta get up."

"Whatever." He laid back down.

I sighed and walked to the living room. Then I grabbed my phone. Vier called 3 times. I dialed his number again and he picked up on the 5th ring.

Me: Hey! Where are you?

Vier: I'm outside.

Me: For what? Don't you hate me now?

Vier: Baby I could never hate you. And I didn't mean to leave you like that. A little jealousy just came over me for a moment. I had to step out.

Me: Oh. I understand. But why are you outside?

Vier: A nigga can't just come by and check you?

Me: Uhh sure why not? Lucas is in the bed sleeping so if you come in, be quiet.

Vier: I want you to bring me my shirt back.

Me: Really? You're not really here to see me?

Vier: Put on something cute and come on.

Me: Ok, Vier. See you in 5 minutes.

Vier: Ight, Beautiful.

I hung up and blushed. I looked back at the shirt on the couch and smiled. Then I went to my closet and picked an outfit.

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