59: 7-Sum

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I wish I didn't come home today. I think that it's my fault this some shit goes south. I should've been here so she could tell me she was pregnant. But no... I wanted to run off with my boyfriend. A stranger.

"Amour baby please..."

"Please leave me alone!" I spat quickly.

I groaned and went into my bathroom to take a shower. I saw a note on the counter:

If you ever come back, I will find you and I will love you.

-Chresanto August

I rolled my eyes and crumbled the note up then hopped in the shower after taking off my clothes.


I heard the doorbell ring early in the morning. It was like 11 or something like that... But anyway, I walked downstairs to the door. It was Kat.

"Hey, hey!" She smiled, all cheery-eyed. "Where've you been, girl? You don't answer the phone this days, do you?"

"Just... Away. It was nothing. Short break y'know?" I smiled.

"So, you wanna come to the mall today?" She asked.

"Nah I'm not really trying to be out today. No company if you don't mind. I'll give you my new number. Call me later and we can plan something."

"Write it here." She handed me a pen and pointed to her hand.

I wrote the number, said bye, and closed the door as she walked away.

I laid on the floor with my legs up on the couch. The door flung open and in came Chresanto. Fuck.

"Amour! Shit!" He semi yelled, running over to me.

"What do you want?" I asked getting up.

"Amour I'm sorry this is all my fault! Did he hurt you?! Are you ok?! Where did you go at?! Why did you leave with him?! Where is he?!" He panicked with questions.

"Chresanto... All you need to know is that I am ok... Ok? It's not your concern where he is, where I went, what we did, what he did, or why I left with him. I'm breathing and alive right here right now and that's all you deserve to know." I sighed.

"Ok... Alright. Amour I love you. I just don't wanna let you go."

Me phone went off so I grabbed it.

Baby Boy😈😍💋: Hey baby I'm on the way. Round the corner... I'm bringing you Chich-Fil-A.

"You'll have to sooner or later." I said before replying.

Me: Aww thank you bae! But it's ok... you can go back home if you're busy.
I tried to stall him.

"Who you textin'?" He asked.

"Nunya." I rolled my eyes.

Baby Boy😈😍💋: No Amour I cleared my "To Fuck" list to come see you...

Me: Nigga fym "To Fuck" list? Boi what you tryna say?

Baby Boy😈😍💋: Damn I'm just playin' wit you. 😒 You sensitive.

Me: Suck my imaginary cock, boy! ☹️👻✨🦄🍭

Baby Boy😈😍💋: Man stfu you know you gay af. I'm outside 😤

I got up and opened the door.

"What you doin'?" Chres asked.

"Hey baby..." He frowned when he saw Chresanto. "What's he doin' here?!" He semi yelled.

"Baby...? Fuck he talkin' bout?!" Chresanto asked getting mad.

"Chresanto if you must know... This my boyfriend. X." I smirked as he caressed my hair.


"Hey y'all!" Naomi semi yelled walking in.

"Not now y'all." Xzavier said before they walked in.

"Yes now." I said letting them in.

I watched as Chresanto and Lélé locked eyes. She glared at him and rolled her eyes.

"Can you please chill? We can talk later." I said to Chres.

"Nah this nigga need to leave." Xzavier butted in.

"Bae please." I held my hand up towards his chest to stop him. "Sit down everybody."

"Sit on my lap. Amour."

"Ok..." I rolled my eyes knowing what he was trying to do.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting on the couch.

"Nothing baby." I said quickly taking the seat he offered me.

"So what y'all tryna do? You going to the bathroom anytime sooner?" Taj asked.

"Nigga do I need to get up?" X asked grabbing my hips.

"I don't know. But if you do, it better be after we get to the bathroom with the door shut."

He pushed me off his lap, stood up, grabbed his pistol from his waist, and pointed it at Taj.

"Man chill I was just playin'!" He put up his hands in surrender.

"What he mean by the bathroom?" Chres asked.

Everybody shrugged.

"She owe it to..."

"Hey what are we gonna eat?" I asked stopping him.

"Owe what, huh?" He asked.

"That virginity..."

"Virginity guide... To give to his little cousin."

"Mhm yeah that." Chres cleared his throat. "You still got it?"


"Can I have it?"

"Not anymore. Sorry. I lost it..."

"Didn't you say you had it?"

"Yeah... In a week. I lent it to someone."

"Tell me wassup."

"I just did." I said getting annoyed.

"Moving on...

Mí AmourWhere stories live. Discover now