177: Vier Bear

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"Why he treat you like you can't be here by yourself?" Mila asked.

I didn't say a thing.

Oh that's right... They don't know.

"Just a little separation anxiety. That's all." I nodded.

"You look a little pale. Are you ok?" Grace asked.

"Huh? I'm fine."

"Come here, Amour." Aundre said.

I got off the couch and stood next to him.

He felt my neck. "You got a fever. Go get your ass in the bed."

"Aundre I'm a grown ass woman. Shut up. I know what's up." I went back to the couch I was sitting on and crossed my arms.

"I'm just looking after you like Aunt Carol told me to!"

I scoffed. "So that's why you're here? Get out. Grace, Mila, you stay. Aundre, you're not about to sit here and control my life and my boyfriend. Worry about you and who's hole you shove your dick up." I pointed to the door and smirked.

"I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen to you." He said rolling his eyes.

He didn't move.

"Can we all just get along?" Grace butted in.

"What? Me and the love of my life can't have sex?"

"No. You've been having too much of it."

Word vomit.

"Too much sex?! Aundre! What the fuck are you talking about?! I haven't had sex since I was in Miami! Unless you wanna count getting raped again! I guess it's my fault now!" I yelled.

"Rape... You got... Raped again?! Umma kill that nigga when he get back from the store!" He yelled.

"Nigga it wasn't him." I said looking down.


"Chresanto and Aaron if you can even call it that."

"Aaron? Chresanto? First of all, who is Aaron? Second of all, isn't Chresanto in jail?"

"They're both dead. Lucas killed Chresanto."

"Lucas?" Mila butted in.

"Yes. He did me a huge favor but I needed him to leave me alone so I could stop the heartache. So I had him arrested for kidnap because that's what happened. Chresanto took me. Someone killed him. Aaron took me. Lucas killed Aaron. Lucas took me and here I am. But why do you care about Lucas?"

"He came looking for you and that's when I told him where you were. He said he had some business to take care of. And you know I gotta know some things so I asked him why and he said he had a plan that you'd have a little reunion with some old friends."

I did the math in my head and realized it.

"Lucas probably planned the whole thing. He had Chresanto kidnap me and hit on me a little bit so I'd be desperate to get away. He probably knew both of them wanted me so he let them kill Chresanto and then he killed Aaron himself. Then he pretended to save me so I'd fall in love with him again. But it really didn't work. How could I ever have been in love with such a selfish, evil motherfucker like that? I thought we could be cool but I shouldn't let anyone in or out of this small circle I built." I said getting a little pissed.

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