171: 911

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I woke up in his bed where I slept 4 years ago. It hadn't changed there at all. He stared at me and kissed my cheek.

I wiped it off and turned away.

"I love you." He said.

I shrugged. "Lucas it doesn't matter anymore. I don't care if you love me or hate me. All I want is to go back to New York with my boyfriend and my son. That Miami bullshit was a lie. He lied to me. He cheated me. He loves me though. Fuck him. I hate him.

"Can I call Vier?" I asked again.

Call the cops.


"Can I call my aunt to talk to Kaiden?"

"Fine. But if I find out you called that nigga I'm posting your nudes." He said handing me his phone.

I raised an eyebrow.

I got out of the bed and took the phone in the bathroom with me.

911: Hello, 911 what is your emergency?

Me: Hello, I need help. My ex has kidnapped me and I need help getting away before he does something.

911: What is your location?

I gave them the address.

911: Is anyone hurt?

Me: No.

911: The police are on their way now. Stay where you are.

Me: Ok.

I sighed and went back in the room. "Kaiden's taking a nap."

I sat on the bed and avoided eye contact with him.

"Oh. I'm finna go back to sleep."

I nodded.

Not for long bitch.

I sat there and waited for the sound of sirens outside.

"Police! Open up!" I heard.

Lucas glared at me and cursed at me.

"You stupid bitch! You ain't shit! All I ever tried to do was love you but you always been a lil hoe and ain't give a fuck about nobody but yourself! Fuck you!" He grabbed my neck and started choking me.

The police came in the room and grabbed him.

I followed them outside.

I looked at Lucas with tears in my eyes as they put him in the police car. "I'm sorry. It could have ended worse. I promise to come see you."

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