91: Damn

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Michael walked in with a rope, a scarf, and a blindfold. He smirked and grabbed my arm.

"What're you doing?! Don't touch me!" I yelled.

"Put on something sexy, bitch."


"Ight... You can wear... Yoyr mother's suit." He smiled and gave it to me.

"Put it on." He shoved me towards the bathroom and handed me a lingerie.

Charlie growled at him. I grabbed Charlie and put him in the closet. Then I went to the bathroom and changed.

"Ahh... Sexy." He shoved me onto the bed and straddled me.

He took the scarf and tied my wrists together. I knew what was coming. I'd be raped again. And this time, I'd know everything. I at least got to try to fight him.

I kicked and screamed as he took the rest of the scarf and tied it around the bed post. 

My arms were outta my options now. My legs, knees, and feet were my only hope. "Why'd you put it on me if you're gonna take it off of me?!"

"You seem to know what's up. Huh? You done this before?" He asked.

"How would I know? If I did, I probably don't remember because maybe I was drugged." I rolled my eyes. "Why you not hitting me? Shutting me up?" 

"Rape is more than enough for you."

"Say it."

"I'm gonna rape you."

Great. 1 attempted rape, 1 drug involved rape, and 1 time allowing a man to rape me. I felt no pleasure. Not in having sex. I'm not sure if I ever will. Hopefully I never choose to have it in the future. If there will be a future for me.

I screamed trying to get him away from me. He hit me upside the head with something and everything went dark.


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