125: Tree

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3:30 AM.
I silently walked into the house and to the room. I shut the door and locked it.

I kicked off my shoes and grabbed her wrists. She gasped awake so I covered her mouth.

"Did you take the pill?"

I felt her shake her head. So I took off my clothes, slipped on a condom real quick, and entered her.

The whole dark room tensed up as I thrusted in and out of her from the front.

She moaned my name and scratched at my back while I continued on.

Orgasm after orgasm. We didn't stop.

I just fucked on it until I got tired and then she rode it and sucked it. Then I fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up in my bed after not much sleep.

Amour was staring at me kind of weird.

"Good morning."

"Hey Lucas." She sighed.

"What you wanna do today?"

"Do you have a tree?" She asked.


"Baby can we get one?"


"Why?" She whined.

"I'm just tryna kick it Bae."

"But tomorrow's Kaiden's first Christmas!"

"He's a baby! He won't understand."

"I guess so." She frowned.

"I got you a good present."

"Really? What is it?"

"Deez nuts!"

"Nigga that's so 2015-2016."

"So? You don't want them?"

"I'm not into nuts." She frowned.

"It's alright. That's not really what I got."

"Oh. Fuck."

We were silent for a while.


"Yeah?" I asked.

"We need to go see your friend tomorrow."

"What friend?" I furrowed my brows.

"The one in the hospital."

"Oh. He's fine now. He's home."

"Ok, then lets make sure his kids have gifts. Don't forget he had to pay a bill."

"You're right. But I should go alone."

"What? Why?"

"His dogs are very vicious. They won't warm up to you."

"If you just don't wanna go then fine."

"Ok. I do gotta go out to the mall today to get some things."

"Can I go?"

"Nope. Taj and Bleu can get you a tree and you decorate it. Make it pretty for me. While I take Kaiden with me."

"You sure?"



So Lucas and Kaiden left to go to the mall and Taj and Bleu got a tree for me to decorate. Nae and Léah are helping me while the boys watched and cracked stupid ass jokes.

Mí AmourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz