56: Jet

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"You can't decide that I don't love you! I swear I do!" I yelled stepping onto the jet.

"Stop arguing!" Everyone yelled.

"Whatever, Amour. Fuck... You!" He threw the stuff onto the plane.

I sat down on the bed in the back and pouted.

"Oh please, never!" I said laying down.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled closing the curtains and jumping on me.

"Get off!" I started crying.

"Why you cryin'?" He pulled off my pants and shirt.

"Stop! They're right outside the curtains!"

"Don't moan so loudly." He demanded.

I grabbed a pillow and squeezed it as he started licking me all over.

"Xzavier..." I moaned gripping his hair.

"You makin' me hard." He whispered in my ear.

"Sorry!" The pitch in my voice rose as his fingers deepened in my vagina.

"Shhhh..." He smirked and added another finger, plus his tongue.

"Yesss... Ah!" I moaned grabbing the sheets.

"You like this huh?"


"I hate the fact that I love you. I want you but I don't."

"I want me inside of you."

I owe him. I owe Chresanto Hakeem August.

"Please stop." I rolled my eyes and put my clothes back on.

I walked to the front where everybody else was.

It's been 2 and a half hours that we been on the plane. Everybody is coming with us. Except for Lanai. Ion know what happened to her!

"Ok y'all done now?" Taj asked.

"Yes... Why?"

"I heard you moanin' for like an hour and I heard him whatevering for an hour and a half. If you don't mind me asking... How many times did you cum?"

"I... Do." I sat next to Nae and Lélé who were sleeping already.

"I'm just so ready to be home!" I exclaimed.

"Easy for you to say. Bleu and Lé ain't never been to America!"

"Bleu... Ain't you American?" I asked.

"Yes. Well my parents were American and they moved to Puerto Rico and had me." He smiled.

"Wow ok... And Lé?"

"My adopted cousin. My parents adopted her after her parents died. I still say we cousins but she don't want nobody to know about it."

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't know." He sighed.

"Baby you seen my... Phone?" He asked poking his head from behind the curtains.

"Yes... It's in your pants pocket bae!"

He smiled and went back to the back.

"Well, you'll somewhat love America!"

"I'm gonna go get some kush from him and take me a 5 hour nap. There's no wifi up here here so it's kinda boring. Sorry." I smiled and went behind the curtain.

"Oh you already got it out for me huh, Daddy?" I smirked and took the blunt from his fingers.

I took a deep pull and exhaled it smoothly.

"Yep... Just take it from me..." He said sounding empty.

"I love you." I smiled and laid back on the bed next to him.

"Go ta sleep." He said caressing my jawline.

A few hits and passes later, the kush was all gone and we were asleep. That was that.

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