2: Not Ok

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"Hi Diamond! Come in sweetheart." Gran'daddy hugged me and lead me in the house to the living room.

"Hi Gran'daddy. I see the lawnmower outside. Now ain't that shoulder of yours hurtin'?" I questioned him.

"Man I gots to get my work done, Diamond. But it won't be long until you gotta put your ol' man down." He caressed his chin while walking out.

I quietly walked to Gran'ma, who was sitting on the bench at the nearby pond, listening to the birds chirping and the sound of the squirrels playing in the trees. "Gran'ma? How are you today? You didn't get too close to the pond did you?" I caressed her soft frail hand while sitting next to her.

"Oh Janessa is that you?" She opened her eyes, forgetting that the outside world was too much for her sensitivity.

"No, it's Diamond Gran'ma."


"Your gran'daughter." I looked down disappointed that she didn't remember me this time.

"Oh, hello Angelcake. You look so beautiful today." She observed my face with her small wrinkled hand. It seemed to me as if she knew who I was by the facial expressions I made when I saw her and spoke with her face to face. But she had no idea who I was when she saw me.

"You look divine yourself gran'ma. Want some pudding?" I smiled as she rolled her hand over my face to be sure that she knew what I said.

Why didn't she know who I was? It's because a year ago, she had a stroke. And ever since then, she's been totally different. A lot of people want Gran'daddy to just throw her away and put her in a nursing home. But those 2 have been together since 1938 and it's 2016 now. If she goes, he goes.

"No thank you Angelcake. Janessa has already fed me." She smiled.

I smiled back and it was pretty silent from there. She fell asleep so I grabbed her wheelchair and struggled to get her in. But I did.

I pushed her back to her dark room and opened the windows so she could listen to the birds again.

"Ok Mama! I'll be back and washed up before dinner!" She'd often tell stories about when she was a little girl and forget that she was a crazy sounding middle aged woman. People say she's already dead but I know she's still here. Her memory gets better very rarely but slowly it will.


When I got home, I took another shower then called over someone company.

"What am I here for?" Ken snapped.

"Stop being a fuckin' dick and stay tonight Bae. You're so mean to me." I poked out my bottom lip.

"Can you at least do something for me so I can jack off to you?" What?!

"Excuse me?! What the hell is your problem?!" I was disgusted at this point. Thank god there was a knock on the door. I sighed and got up to answer it but he pulled me back and slammed me onto the couch. He got on top of me and pulled down my pants.

"Stop it Ken! Get up! Quit playin'!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The door bursted open and Dominique and Elijah walked in.

"I'm just playing around Amour damn!" He got off of me and growled at Dominique.

"You know good and well that you would've raped her if I didn't open this door." She sighed and pushed past him.

"It's ok sweetheart don't sweat him. He ain't shit." She looked at him and smirked.

"So you're just gonna talk shit about me while I'm right here?!" He yelled.

"Eh bro quit trying or you'll deal with me." Elijah chuckled and sat on the couch with Dominique and I.

Ken sighed. "Bae I'm sorry. I'm just real bored." He looked over at me.

"Can you guys wait in the kitchen? We need to talk." They nodded their heads and grabbed each other's hand. Then they walked to the kitchen. See I want a relationship like that!

"So you decided to try and rape me? For fun? Really Kenneth? You're better than that!" I scolded him as if I were his mother.

"Well I'm sorry. It's ok just ch-" I cut him off. This nigga just said it's ok.

"No Ken that is not ok! Baby I'm your girlfriend not wife or prostitute! And I am definitely not a fucking hoe you drag around all day so you can fuck her whenever you want to. Jerk." I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs on the couch while laying on the floor.
"You can come back now guys!" I semi yelled.

They walked back in holding hands. "See I want couple goals like you two." I cooed at the connections I always notice about them. "But that's just fantasy talk." I sighed and looked up at the picture of Charles on the wall. Charles was my little brother who was only 5 years old when his babysitter murdered him.

I did not realize that I was crying until Ken wiped my face with his freezing cold but rough hand. "I miss him so much. I wish he'd come back." The tears fell faster and I cried harder.

"Aww it's ok. Is it the time?" Dominique asked.

"No." I whispered, but I'm extra emotional.

"I think I'm gonna go take a nap y'all. I ordered pizza. Pay them this 20 when they ask Dominique. Love you all." I got up on the couch, closed my eyes, and fell into a dreamless state.


This whole book is a little speedy Ik but I lowkey have no patience when it comes to giving y'all events or occasions in the book. Don't worry. You won't miss a thing. It's all clear.

Will Amour's grandmother be ok?

Will Ken apologize for his actions or will he get worse?

What do you think will happen next?

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