173: A Love Fever

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I held his hand as we walked into the bathroom.

He helped me take off my clothes and then he took off his.

We stepped into the shower and the hot water sprayed against our skin while I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you Vier." I said lowly.

"I adore you, Amour."

I closed my eyes and let the water control my nerves.

"I'm not leaving too far from you again."

"Just until things cool down." I nodded.

"Are you sad?"

"I'm angry. How could shit like this happen so repeatedly? Innocent young girls."

"You're not the only one. It's gonna be ok. You're definitely safe now. I promise."

"Thank you Vier." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah MaMa. Anything."

"Vier what would you do if I left you?"

He paused.

"I wouldn't know. But I wouldn't be surprised."

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"Because you're a strong woman. How did you take care of you and your child for as long as you did? If you can support you and your child by yourself, you can do anything. I don't know anything about having children or anything but I can guess that it isn't easy."

I nodded and kissed his chest. He shivered and laughed deeply.

"What's funny?"

"That tickles!" He said.

I continued kissing his chest while he caressed my hair.

Then we washed and stood there longer until the water got cold.

He he kissed my lips, making me want more kisses. He made me feel better just that quick. My heart raced against his chest. His fingers tangled in my wet curly hair.

Right then and there I realized... I'll never have enough.

He lifted my feet off the ground, carrying me from the shower to the bed. My body clinging to his. Water dripping from our soft skin.

I lost my mind. I couldn't tell if I was awake or sleeping because who ever felt the pleasure of sparks flying as your lover bit into your lip and spoke to you without words.

His eyes were closed, he had an impossibly tight but comfortable grip on me, his fingers ran through my hair, our tongues met for the first time.

Tongue kissing had to be his thing. All I wanted in the world was him. Not to be his sexual desire. Not to hear his words. Not to be his worry or trouble. Him. His gentle hands caressing me and his warm breath on my lips. I just wanted to inhale his smell and remember it's from what's only and all mine.

The fact that I believed he'd keep his promises was not only because he said and did everything passionately. But it was because like I said. I needed him.

Whenever he kissed me, I was sure that this was so rare. That I could travel to every corner, to the ends of the earth and... There wouldn't be a soul like his. I couldn't possibly ever find anything like this in the world.

He was handsome, kind, loving, a gentleman, a great lover, and always too perfect for the world. In my eyes anyway.

He was amazing with his lips. I could kiss him for the rest of my life instead of breathing. No blunt could possibly ever be powerful enough.

If I lost Kaiden, I think everything would be ok as long as he stayed by my side.

His body melted into mine as my heartbeat rolled so fast, I had no idea he wasn't kissing me anymore that's all I could hear.

I opened my eyes and his lips were moving. He was saying something but I couldn't hear him. Like I said, my heartbeat was too loud.

I tried hard to get out of the state I was locked in but my heart wouldn't slow down. I didn't want it to. So I grabbed his face and kissed him again. But it didn't feel the same.

I was so done with myself. I snapped back into reality and he looked a little worried as he pulled away from my skin.

"Are you ok? Baby can you hear me?" He waved in my face.

"Uhh... Yeah. I'm sorry." I sat up and looked down.

"It's ok... Are you feeling fine?"

I shrugged.

"You're burning up. I think you have a fever." He said feeling my neck.

I held my breasts to my chest and got off of the bed then went into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. I didn't know what had just happened.

Did he give me a fever? How could he have me so... So enamored by just kissing me? I'm infatuated, maybe even lovestruck.

I stood there trying to catch my breath in the mirror. Trying to figure out what happened to me. I feel a little feverish but I doubt that this is his fault. I couldn't possibly catch a fever from him that fast. Nor could he not feel bad himself if he had one.

I shook my head and splashed water in my face. Then I put my hair up, took a deep breath, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Is everything ok?" He stood directly beside the door waiting for me.

I nodded and sighed.

"You promise?"

"I promise. It's just a little something that's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll be fine. I don't feel that bad. Just a little headache." I said stepping closer to him.

"Good. Now let's cuddle." He said promisingly.

He grabbed my hand and walked me to the bed. I got on my side and he got on his. Then he pulled me close to him, kissing my shoulder.

I melted deeper into his arms as he laid behind me with his arms glued to me in the bed. His touch was overwhelming. I grew surprised because my body no longer ached of abuse and rape and hatred.

I forgot all about it.

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