55: Lanai

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I heard Amour sigh and roll outta the bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking in.

"Nothing. Good morning, babe!" She smiled and walked over to me.

"I know somethin' wrong."

"Baeeee! Gimme a kiss."

"Brush yo teeth, first."

"Hmph. Ok." She walked into the bathroom and shut the door.


"So I was thinking... Maybe we should just go home now. Because my mo..."

"1 month is all I wanted with you. And you can't give me that?!"

"Baby I want to but... I'm worried. She might do something. Something might happen to Chresanto or the people I l..."

"So that's what this is about?! Chresanto?!" I glared at her.

"No it's not even like that! I just don't want him in jail for something he didn't do."

"What if we go back and then I get put in jail?!"

"I will find a way to get you out or stop you from going. I can make an excuse that I ran away. They don't have to know about you! What you did! What we did! Or that I ever had anything to do with you."

"So you're just cutting me off right then and there?" I asked.

"Zavier no!" She tried to touch my arm but I got up and walked out the door.

I walked down the street until I found a cab. It took me to the walkway. I stayed there for hours just thinking. Trying to figure out what to do. Does Amour love me?


"Good morning beautiful." I smiled looking at her next to me.

"Oh so I'm beautiful all of a sudden? You left me for her!" Lanai smirked.

"Yeah. Such a regrettable mistake. Last night I decided that she don't love me. Not like you love this dick!"

"Mmm... Nothing compares to that." She rolled over and straddled me after grabbing and swallowing a birth control pill from her nightstand.

She took it out then slid on top of it and started riding hard and fast. "Fuck!" She cussed.


"Travis!" She screamed covering with the sheets.

"Lanai!" I yelled fixing my shorts and getting up.

"X, Mike... I can explain!"

"Yo triflin' ass said y'all broke up!" I yelled.

"Oh really?!" Mike said rudely.

"Bye Lanai. You a hoe." I shook my head, grabbed my clothes, and walked out.

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