185: Realization

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"You don't necessarily have to call me that but I'm your husband, boyfriend, and daddy so you know."

"You don't always seem daddyish... Papí-ish though." I smirked and inhaled his scent.

"How?" He gave me a look.

"You're a goodie two shoes!"

"All the time?"

"Not in bed. You don't know how it feels to get fucked like you fuck me. I bet you don't even realize it. You fucking the shit outta me is an understatement." I informed him.

"Oh really?

I nodded.

"I don't mean it. I never do MaMa."

"I like it. You know I'm a freak Baby."

"How freaky does it get with you?" I asked.

"Chris Brown Privacy freaky."

"So you want me to suck on your dick with ice?" I asked. "You always suck my nipples with whipped cream."

"No I don't give out popsicles but maybe one day. We can use whipped cream for any and everything."

"What about candy sprinkles and chocolate drizzle with a cherry on top?"

"I hate cherries."

"Umm strawberries."

He smiled and winked. "How freaky do you get?"

"I don't know... I think I have to be drunk when we fuck again."

"You always drink too much."

"I gotta stop."

"I know. And I'm only letting you have 3 drinks at a time. Maybe 4 if you behave."

"That should help."


We were silent for a moment.

"Can I have a kiss? I'm 'bout to get up Papí."

He kissed my lips and I straddled him regularly, exposing my boobs to him.

I felt his print harden under me.

We watched my nipples perk up and get hard, making me blush.

"What you goin' to do Baby?" He asked grabbing my wrists so I couldn't get up.

I felt it rub up against me so I let out a short loud moan.

"Papí stop..."

"One more time."

"Not here."

"Hotel? The rental car?" He asked.

"But I thought I told you no more today."

"I'm Papí though. And don't you belong to me?"

I shrugged.

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