196: Your Turn

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I sat at my vanity waiting for Winston to come in. There he goes.

"Hey Bea..."

"Don't flirt with me Winston." I tossed the medicine bottle to him and he read it.

"Ready?" He asked opening it.

I shook my head.

"Oh well." He smirked and handed me a bottle of water and a pill. 

I took it and downed the water.

"Sorry... I haven't been hydrating lately."

"Well you throw it back like water."


"A drink. Obviously."

"Ohh. I remember. Shut up." I laughed.

One night he caught me drinking at the bar and let's say he didn't think I could take 15 shots in 25 seconds. I had a hangover and he ended up getting me a hotel room because I forgot where I was and where I lived.

"Sometimes you need help."

"Who doesn't?" I asked. "I am getting help but that help is annoying and pisses me off."

He chuckled. "Get ready for the shoot, Darling."

"Bet, Winston."

He glared at me.

"Jamal." I smiled.

Then he left and I got ready for my shoot.


I did my last pose and got a bottle of water.

"Jamal come here." I gestured with my finger.

"Yes Beautiful?"

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Can you send your maid to come do my laundry again? I'll send you a kiss through her if you tell her."

"Alright. Tomorrow morning around 11."

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

"So... You busy tonight?" He asked.

"I don't know. Depends. Will my phone ring?" I thought about Vier and how desperate I felt for him, yet it made me angry how much I wanted him.

"Oh it will. I'll call y..."

"My phone will be off if my dildo killer shows up."

"What?" He looked puzzled.

"Do you need anything else Baby?" I asked grabbing his chin.

"Someone to eat, Kitten." He tried to kiss me but I dodged him.

"Good try Boss maybe later." I chuckled and sashayed into my dressing room.

I took off my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun then put on Vier's shirt and my leggings.

Afterwards, I went to Chipotle and got dinner then went home, took a shower, and put on my lingerie, waiting for Vier in my bed.


Winston keeps calling me repeatedly to beg me to come out but I'm still waiting for Vier. It's 1 AM.

Winston💛😒🖕: Come onnnn! Dat nigga ain't comin' wut u waitin 4? Him 2 fuck u?

Me: Actually Winston, be here in 10 minutes. And don't dress up. 🙃🖕

Winston💛😒🖕: Y

Me: Maybe it's your turn 😪😕

Winston💛😒🖕: I'm outside 😍🐱👌🙏

Me: It's open 😒

I heard the front door open so I turned off my phone and relaxed on the bed, facing the facts.

Vier is not coming.

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