165: Call

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I was sleeping until I woke up and decided to call Vier.

Me: Hello?

Vier: Hey Beautiful. What you doin'?

Me: I just woke up. What's up with you?

Vier: I'm just sitting here with the fam.

Me: I wish I was there.

Vier: Don't worry. Soon. But have you started work?

Me: It turns out that I won't be starting until next month. I didn't bother asking why.

I rolled my eyes.

Vier: Aww man. I could've brought you.

Me: I had to do paperwork too and an application or whatever they're called.

Vier: At least you didn't miss that, right?

Me: Mhm.

I heard a baby crying in the background. Then I heard a click.

Me: Vier!

Vier: Sorry I dropped my phone.

Me: Oh.

Vier: So did you go out?

Me: No. I didn't wanna without you. I just stayed in sleeping and looking at the hickeys you gave me.

He chuckled.

Vier: That means you're all for me.

Me: True. Tell your family I said hi and I hope I can meet them soon.

I heard talking in the background.

Vier: They said hello and same to you.

Me: Did you eat?

Vier: Not yet.

Me: Boy you better eat some food! It's almost 8 PM.

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