119: Your Mother

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She stood in the walkway of the kitchen smiling and watching me as I held Kaiden in my arm feeding him.

"I think you're being a great father especially at 17."

"I'm 18." I corrected.

"What? I thought we could be twins!"

"Nah. I like you as my Baby Girl." I smiled.

"I'm 17."

"I know."

"Kaiden's 2 months"

"Really?" I cooed.

"I've never seen you like this." She smiled bigger.

"Like what?"

"Like you are now! Perfectly happy about something other than me. You've never looked at anything like that. Ever."

"Well, this is my son. Maybe I had nothing to do with his birth but I wanna take him in. And you too. He needs a good father."

"Like you." She nodded.

"I'm gonna try, baby."

"I want you to be the one to him my father never got to be to me." She looked down with tears in her eyes.

"Come here."

"Lucas I hate her." She walked over to me and buried her face into my chest.

"Amour, remember you told me, hate isn't gonna solve your problems?"

I remember her saying something similar to that.

But she became silent besides the little sobs she made.

"It's ok. You got me." I wrapped my arm around her and continued to feed Kaiden.

"I wanted him to come back."

"Where is he?"

"Dead. So she said."

He nodded.

"You wanna come with me to get a blunt?"

"Where Kaiden gone go?" She asked.

"He can stay here with Naomi."

"I guess so. Finish feeding him while I put on some more clothes."

I nodded and kissed her forehead.

As soon as she walked out, I got a text message. I checked my phone and decided to mute it and ignore it. I could get into some serious trouble. But not if I quit it.

"Are you full yet?" I asked the baby.

He looks just like Amour. It's like Chresanto got plastic surgery to look like her or something. He got her blue eyes but they're a different shade.

"Ready?" She asked walking back in the kitchen.

"Yeah. That was fast." I nodded.

"Ok. Lemme go put him in the room with Nae."

I handed him to her and she walked back out.

I rinsed the bottle out and left it on the counter.

Then I followed Amour out the door.


"X! We ain't seen you in awhile nigga! Where you been?" August shouted.

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