188: Angry Sex

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"I'm home!" I shouted after walking through the door.

It was 11:30 exactly. I had Chick-Fil-A in my hand for me and Amour.

I walked into the bedroom and Donny was sitting next to her on the bed. I raised my eyebrow and clenched my jaw.

"Hey Papí!" She smiled.

"You're in a better mood I see. Get out Donny Vier." I said annoyed.

"Vier I talked to him. Stop being so rude!"

"Why is he in bed with you?"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't get it Vier. Whatever. Donny you should go now Baby Boy."

He nodded and winked at me. Then he walked out.

I kinda wanted to smash his face into the wall but Amour could've fixed things so I let him live.

"You hungry?" I asked sitting by her.

She shrugged.

"Come here." I grabbed her arm.

She pulled it away. "Vier stop!"

"What's wrong Baby?"

"I just wanna go to sleep now!"

"I know you're hungry I hear your stomach growling. Lemme feed you!"

"You're annoying Vier I can feed myself." She pouted.

"Are you ok? Are you sick or something?"

"Did you drink Vier? What's wrong with you?" She turned to me.

"So what? You're mad that I had a few drinks?"

"No nigga I'm mad because you let your damn friends disrespect me but all you do is tell them not to but when your little brother does it you wanna kill him or some shit. That's fucked up Vier."

"Sorry that you have to get mad at every little thing! I mean are you mad that I brought you food too? I'll eat this shit all by myself if I have to 'cause I got the munchies!"

"Fuck you! Get out!" She semi yelled.

I put the food down and went for her neck. I placed kisses all over her.

"Stop! Vier don't touch me."

"No. I love you. Come on baby please?"

She gave in and let it happen.

Mí AmourWhere stories live. Discover now