194: Hurt So Good

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"Tell me... Swear to me you don't miss me." I sighed sitting in his shirt on the kitchen counter.

"Why do you have so much ice cream?"

"It doesn't take 3 months to get diagnosed with depression you know. Ice cream is my number one cure. Don't touch it, Bruno bought it all for me."

"What happened to all my shirts?" He asked.

"Dirty clothes." I explained.

"How come?" He grabbed some caramel ice cream from my freezer.

"Put it back. That was prescribed by my psychiatrist."

"Can I just have 1? You literally have 23."

"No. If you take some, take the cheesecake. It's Bruno's."

"Eww no. Lanai likes that shit." He put it back and closed the freezer.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you have against her?"

"What besides the fact that she managed to make you love her to get back at me?"

"What did you do?" He chuckled.

I scoffed. "Stole her man. AKA Lucas Coly."

"What? Why?"

"Lucas fell in love with me surprisingly. I used to be so insecure in high school."

"Look where you are now Bab... Amour."

"Where, sitting on the counter in my ex's t-shirt pillow talking without the bed and the pillows?"

"Why are my shirts in the dirty clothes?"

"Laundry is expensive in the city and since I didn't wanna do my own, I just wear yours all the time instead of my clothes because I like how they fit. I even wear the same leggings with a different shirt every day and I don't wear a new one until I spill something on it or it doesn't smell like you anymore."

He was silent. I knew he didn't know what to say.

"Look, I didn't actually wanna have sex with you." I paused looking down.

"Then why did you?"

"So you'd stay after we talk. But I'm so dumb I didn't realize cheaters don't work like that."

"I'm not a cheater."

"What do you call somebody fucking someone else behind their other's back then?"

"I only had sex with you because I saw you needed something to help you feel better. In that case I thought I was making love to you so you wouldn't feel lonely."

"That only lasted 40 minutes. And you didn't use protection again. You need to do better."

"Damn." He sighed.

"It's alright. I took a pill."

He nodded relieved.

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