ef: A tale of memories

Start from the beginning

On the other hand, it was different watching as the two romance options fought over the manga artist. I wanna say it was a hard choice, and at first I did like them both. Yet there was a very specific point where I began to hate one, and love the other. I will admit, one girl really needed help. It became clear that she had some serious psychological traumas, but she was still sweet and I liked her.

The other girl was just a plain bitch with a craving for her "Brother's" cock.

It was around mid season when I realized how rotten one was. When the main character was forced to stand one of the girls up on a date, she waits for him till midnight. She worries and she tries her hardest to contact him. She was scared he was hurt. Meanwhile, the other girl had taken his phone and deleted every message and voice mail she sent. This was what stemmed my absolute hatred for her.

I will say though, this anime doesn't mess around with it's romance. Once things kick off, it goes and it doesn't stop. I was happy to see my favorite girl and the main character fall in love. But I never saw it coming that they would have sex in the very next scene. One minute they confess and kiss, next they're naked and have officially had sex.

I had the same shock with the other couple. They ended up going on the sweetest date, and and at the end decide to have sex on the roof of the school. Not once, but several times. I was incredibly surprised by this move.

I will say that these stories, focused on the liberal arts, and mixed with the heavy romances were amazing. The anime did a great job and had a even better plot. The story telling was unmatched by almost none.

Then there's the art style and animation. The art style was seemingly based around an older style of anime yet clearly and cleanly altered. The anime looked splendid, all the characters coming out nice and the series playing out in a beautiful array of episodes. The animation was also leveled with the art style. With everything rolling smoothly across the screen, there was never a moment that didn't look great.

The soundtrack was also very, very good. The opening song was one of the best English one's I've yet to hear, and the several endings per character all left great impressions on me. Adding onto that, the well ordinated OST tracks made certain moments in the anime ten times better or more romantic.

Finally the characters. This anime made it a point to have interesting characters that were developed on very nicely throughout the show. While I must admit the developments were lacking in some places, for the most part it was proficient. I'd come to at least slightly like every character by the end of the show, even the ones I'd hated prior. Within the two plots, I was introduced to what I believe was a special character cast that has really stood out in my eyes. They were believable characters with realistic faults and I loved that. They really seemed human.

This anime is stunning. As my last words for the review, it didn't score near perfect for no reason. It was a really unique series that is top notch in romance! If it sounds like your anime, I highly suggest trying it out. Even of it isn't your cup of tea, it made be even better to you than it was to me.

Favorite character:

Miyamura Miyako

Miyamura Miyako

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Favorite part:


Plot: 85

Op: 93

Character's: 88

Art style: 90

Enjoyment: 90

ef: A tale of memories average: 89 (B level anime)

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