Elfen Lied

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***Anime information***

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 13

Episode length: 24:00

Genre: Action, Drama, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Sienen, Supernatural

Veiwers rating: 8/10

Opening: Lilium

Ending: Be your girl

Plot:  Lucy is a special breed of human referred to as "Diclonius," born with a short pair of horns and invisible telekinetic hands that lands her as a victim of inhumane scientific experimentation by the government. However, once circumstances present her an opportunity to escape, Lucy, corrupted by the confinement and torture, unleashes a torrent of bloodshed as she escapes her   captors. During her breakout, she receives a crippling head injury that leaves her with a split personality: someone with the mentality of a harmless child possessing limited speech capacity. In this state of instability, she stumbles upon two college students, Kouta and his cousin Yuka, who unknowingly take an injured fugitive into their care, unaware of her murderous tendencies. This act of kindness will change their lives, as they soon find themselves dragged into the shadowy world of government secrecy and conspiracy.

***personal input***

Personal rating: 7/10

Opinion: My first horror anime! I gotta say this really surprised me, see, I didn't know it was a horror when I started it. Then Lucy went on an immediate killing spree and I wasn't expecting it at all. It was most definitely an RKO out of nowhere.

Now, after I got over my surprise, boy, I loved the show. This anime set the scale an inspired me to pursue more horror anime. Horror has now become one of my most favored genre's in anime.

This anime alone had an awesome story and some character's just as cool. I wasn't at All happy with the odd music they would play per episode at the starts. I just totally hated it. If you enjoy horror and haven't seen this then you need to. If you're looking into horror than this isn't the worst place to start.

Favorite character:



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Favorite part:


Plot: 90

Op: 60

Character's: 90

Art style: 85

Enjoyment: 92

Elfen Lied average: 83 (C level anime)

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