Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate

Start from the beginning

Then there was the issue of who exactly is best girl. This is another area that seriously angered me. I had around three personal favorites that I thought would have been great dating the protagonist. Anyone but the main heroine! She was so bad! What I hate, what gets me is, the protagonist rejected her. He explained that he had no romantic feelings for her, and didn't want that kind of relationship.

But oh boy! Slap some plot armor on that! Near the end of the show, for illogical and absolutely bull shit reasons, they get together. He realizes his deep love that has always been there. You know, except for the rest of the entire anime. I'm not really upset that best girl didn't get with the protagonist, rather that there was no reason to get with the main heroine. She was a but job. Honestly, she was crazy. Granted, I totally understand why, but I digress.

This anime had the potential for a twenty four episode series, or at least two season. In fact, I think the show would have done better that way. There would have been more time to develop the cast, and go into more detail in certain areas. In my opinion, with some more episodes, developments, and a slight alteration of the ending, this would have been a perfect anime.

Moving on, we have our art style and animation. An average art style. It looked good, but wasn't spectacular. There also wasn't much to judge in the animation department. It was average, which is good. Just not great.

But the music. The anime's soundtrack was absolutely amazing. The individual tracks were all too good, and really set the mood that was to come with each episode.

And the characters. They were, for the most part, enjoyable and lovable. Some didn't really matter, some were asses, but most were great. With the exclusion of the protagonist and the main heroine, I loved just about everyone. They were a group of light hearted people, who really set the mood for the series. There were however, some things regarding certain characters that I wanted to know more about. I think a lot of characters were neglected of screen time. I wanted more to happen with a loot of the side characters, but never really got that. Things went by far too quickly.

Favorite character:

shinonome Satsuki

shinonome Satsuki

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Aomi Isara

Favorite part:

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Favorite part:


Plot: 89

Op: 90

Character's: 90

Art style: 92

Enjoyment: 95

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate average: 91 (B level anime)

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