This anime's plot was an interesting concept at the start, however lost my interest throughout the majority of the second season. It was a show that was only liked by myself for about half the time. There was no real story driven purposes throughout the show, only sub conflicts that surfaced inside the generally comedic show. Finally, regarding the plot, I think I speak for more than myself when I say that the lack of romantic payoff was frustrating.

But, if I had to give this anime a merit in some way, it would be for it's depictions of the baseball game towards the end of the second season. It was the semi finals, one of the main characters is up to pitch, and if he outs this batter, his team wins. One strike, two strikes, I will say it now...I'd never been pumped for sports in an anime before. I was holding my breath, watching as he threw his pitches, anxious to know how it would play out. I really commemorate this anime on that specific area of the second season. It was marvelous.

I hated the protagonist, but completely shipped him with the main female lead. There was so much indication at their romantic levels increasing, and the anime seemingly promised that their relationship would form before the show's end. But it didn't, and that was just frustrating! Romance anime my ass.

Anyway, moving onto the art and animation. Animation was done pretty well, horse riding and things along those lines played out very well, very smoothly. The art style was rather odd though. It seemed that it was adapted to fit the anime's comedic side. So, the art styling having two side played off as a little weird. Some of the characters or animals looked plain weird, all for the comedy values. I can't say that it was a positive alteration, personally.

The music was also weird to me. It wasn't bad, the intro songs were catchy enough, but again, just came off as a bit weird. "Kiss you" being one of the primarily lines of the first intro. It just sounded a bit odd when I hear it. Again, the music isn't bad. In fact, I quite enjoyed the soundtrack of the series.

However, I even more so enjoyed the lovely character cast of the anime. While some looked weird, while some lost and gained weight at inhuman paces, they were a lively, colorful bunch that really made the show enjoyable. I can confidently say I wouldn't have liked it near as much without these characters. Each had their own skills, insights, faults. I genuinely felt as if I was watching a group of legitimate high school students, and not a group of anime characters. The show did a good job at making sure each character was special, and not bland in any way.

The characters were funny, bringing this animated world to life in more ways than one. Providing the viewer with agricultural insight, and the show with the many emotions it needed to be as good as it was.

Favorite character:

Yoshino May

mikage aki

Favorite part:


Plot: 83

Op: 80

Character's: 88

Art style: 85

Enjoyment: 90

Silver spoon average: 85 (B level anime)

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