Mini Drabble XXVIII: No Hablo Español

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Mexico walked nonchalantly towards the world meeting room. Heading towards him, away from the room, was Shelby, obviously having no business in world affairs.

He smiled and waved, "Hola, cuñada!" He greeted, knowing how much the mortal hated when he spoke Spanish.

Shelby glanced at him with a quizzical look and raised a brow. "¿Qué? No hablo Español." She stated, before passing him down the hall.

He walked a few more feet, then stopped. "Espera un segundo... Did she just tell me that she couldn't speak Spanish... In Spanish?" He asked himself, turning to look back at the brunette in confusion. "I will never understand Americans."

I know just enough Spanish to tell you I can't speak it.

Eight Mortal Secrets [Hetalia Drabbles] (Completed, to be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now