VI. Hide & Seek

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Germany marched forward, his ice blue eyes scanning his surroundings with critical precision. His back was straight and erect, his movements strong, yet he didn't make a sound as he moved through the forest. His gloved hands were clasped behind him, his pale skin beaded with small amounts of sweat. He had heard the instructions the girls had given him but he couldn't quite comprehend the point of the drill. Stealth? Possibly, for the others, but what about him? What was the plan of action? What was he meant to execute? In those terms, he was lost.

Suddenly, he heard a soft breath. Just a simple, small exhale of air rushing gently from between someone's lips. Germany's head snapped in the general direction, his heart quickening slightly. This is was it, his one purpose.

As quick and merciless as a cobra, Germany whipped out his pistol and launched himself across the fern covered ground, aiming at his target behind the tree, his finger on the trigger.

His target, a tall girl with wavy brown hair and multicolored brown eyes, gasped and shielded her face at the sight of the weapon. "Ludwig, stop! What are you doing?" She demanded, the fear prominent in her voice.

Germany's face paled slightly. "Is this not how the game is played?" He questioned.

"Why would hide and seek involve you shooting me?" She pointed out frantically.

Ludwig sighed in frustration, putting his weapon back into it's holster. "I'm sorry, Hope. This is just confusing to me- I don't understand the point of this drill. How do I win? What is my task?"

Without a pistol aimed at her face, Hope slowly stood up straight once there wasn't a pistol aimed at her face. "Didn't you listen to the rules?"

Germany blushed slightly, looking off towards another part of the forest. "I started coming up with a battle strategy before the explanation was completed."

Hope blinked. "Okay... Well, since you found me, I suppose I can help you out. But this isn't a drill, Germany; it's just a game. You find everyone whose hiding until only one's left."

Germany's eyes found Hope's again. "So... I don't win?"

"No, but you make people lose." Hope pointed out with a small smile.

Ludwig nodded slightly in approval. "That is a close second. Who do I have left to find?"

"Well, everyone but me. Your brother, Dreamz, Jett, Sam, Yào, Loung, Alfred, Shelbs, and Mattie." Hope explained. "So, you have 8 more people to find until someone wins."

"That does not seem too difficult. I shall start right away." Germany decided. "Come, we will find them quickly and effectively as a unit." He stated as he started off in a new direction.

"Yes, sir!" Hope laughed slightly, following Germany quickly, surveying her area for any sign of the others.

After they disappeared into the brush, Shelby stuck her head out from behind a tree. "I have to say, Canada, I'm quite impressed. That aura of invisibility is a gift." She complimented.

From behind Shelby, Matthew peered out as well, his lips pressed in a thin line. "Only when I play this game." He muttered, looking to the ground. "It's gets a bit frustrating when I'm at world meetings though."

Kumajirou glanced up at Matt from his secure spot in his arms. "Who are you?"

He sighed. "I'm Canada."

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Australia laid in a hollowed out tree trunk, a smirk set on his features as his green eyes sparkled with pride. "This is perfect spot! I'll never be found here. I'll be winning this game, hands down." He muttered to himself, feeling quite confident that no one would think to look there.

Eight Mortal Secrets [Hetalia Drabbles] (Completed, to be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now