Chapter 13 The Fight

Start from the beginning

“Why the fcuking hell are you crying?” I blurted out as I saw the stream of tears falling from her eyes. She just sniffed in response. Before I could stop myself, I started laughing. I find it funny how she seemed so upset with the scars.

“The wounds. . . must’ve hurt so bad. . . to leave scars like that” she said in between her sobs. “Now I know why you don’t wear white or any light-colored clothes. You’re trying to hide your scars”

“That’s b*llsh*t”

Her expression suddenly changed. Her eyes dangerously narrowed. “I told you not to curse in front of me”

“And who are you to tell me on what to do?”

“I’m- oh never mind!” she growled, took a deep breath then smiled. “Anyways, you can wear a shirt under this hoodie. That would still hide your scars. Here, put it on”

“You don’t give up, do you?”


“What would it take to stop you from bothering me?”

“I’ll get back at you when I figured it out” she grinned.

I sighed and pulled the hoodie out of hood roughly, silently wishing that it’ll be ruined. When that didn’t happen, I mentally cursed myself and put it on quite grumpily.

“Wow! It looks good on you!” she appreciatively said, making me growl. I quickly took it off and tossed it aside. “I swear, it looked good on you” she continued. “But it would be better if you get a hair cut. Your hair’s almost as long as mine”

“Cut your own hair” I scowled.

“That would-“ she stopped as her phone beeped. She took it out and looked at it. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “I gotta go”


She went up to me, tiptoed and planted a soft kiss on my cheeks. I was too taken aback that I almost staggered down to the floor.

“Happy birthday!” she chuckled and ran to the door, bouncing happily.

It was a while later that I came back to my senses. I went to the sink, opened the faucet and washed my face.




“No, don’t bring your car” Jae said. “I’ll pick you up”

“I’ll be ready when you arrive”

“See you later”

I put the phone inside my pocket and went downstairs. We’re going out to watch a movie. I can’t help but smile. This would be the first time we’re going to watch a movie with just the two of us. I get giddy by just thinking of the things that would happen inside the moviehouse. Jae will whisper sweet nothings to me while we cuddle each other, then I would giggle, then. . . . aigoo!

I heard the doorbell a while later. I bounced up to the door while saying goodbye to Mom and Dad.

“Not too late!” I heard Mom called.

“Let her be. Jaejoong is a gentleman” Dad countered.

I pulled the door open. “Hi!” I smiled.

“Hey there” he greeted back. “Are you ready?”

“Always” I grinned. He chuckled and offered his arm to me. I locked my hand on his arm and we walked to his car. He opened the door of the passenger seat and motioned me in. “Thanks” I mumbled.

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