Alton Sterling & Philando Castile

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Okay, I wanna start by saying that I talked about Alton Sterling yesterday on my Snapchat story and it's disappeared but if you wanna add me on Snapchat, it's "zuzustillhatesu". Another thing I wanna say is that I'm really sick and tired of looking up to celebrities or people on the internet that have a platform and don't say anything about these situations. But they'll talk about everything else.

I'm not bashing people for talking about Orlando and not Alton Sterling, but I'm just confused as to why whenever something happens that has to do with Black Lives Matter or race (although Orlando definitely targeted Latinx and especially Puerto Rican people), these same people are silent? As if they hear everything else that goes on in the news except for this shit. It's literally all over the internet, how can you pretend not to see it and see something else and talk about it. Yes, it's good to talk about other things but it upsets me when they fail to speak out about issues involving race, specifically Black Lives Matter. Please don't get angry about me saying this, I don't know what other way to make it clear that I appreciate these people for speaking out about other political issues.

Anyway, onto the actual topic. In just three days, we've had two black men die at the hands of a police officer - a white police officer. At the hands of someone we're supposed to be trusting with our safety. How can we assure that a black male teenager walking home from school when it's dark out, who is already scared that it's dark out,  will really be safe? Because there's a huge possibility that the police will stop him and it'll all turn into another news story.

First off, I am appalled that #alllivesmatter should be trending right now. Yes, all lives matter, clearly. But do black lives? Do POC lives matter? Do LGBTQ lives matter? Because clearly due to the rate of the minorities that have been killed lately, they don't. So we don't need that all lives matter bullshit. It's unnecessary and meant to draw attention away from the group of people that need the attention, that need the help.

And I just don't see why white people talk so much. Y'all are really so loud all the time about shit that doesn't apply to you. So unless you're supporting us, why the fuck are you trying to rant about how all lives matter and how "people want equality but then make a hashtag talking about black lives matter." Bitch, and what? Nobody is saying "only black lives matter", so calm your shit.

So Alton Sterling. He was killed for selling CDs outside of the store he worked at. Yes, he was armed with a gun, but he wasn't using it while the police dealt with him? In fact, one of the police man reached into his back pocket while frisking him(he was on the ground) and shouted,


Then he made no hesitation to shoot 37 year old Alton Sterling dead. He shot him four times in the head, as if once wasn't enough. Now, if I had the delight of meeting this officer, I'd ask him the following questions.

One, if someone has a gun and they aren't using it at the time of the scene, why wouldn't you just pull it out and go on about the situation without shooting? Two, you shot him four times in the head. Was one shot in the head not enough to kill him, like you intended. Three, did you shoot him four times out of panic or because you wanted to assure that he was dead. Four, if Alton Sterling were white, what would you have done?

Like I said on my story, the thing that insults me the most about the situation is that Alton had a fifteen year old son, who broke down during in interview, crying that he wanted his father back.

A lot of yalls arguments is that Alton was "moving too much" or "was a thug." Why should someone who is already pinned down on the ground moving, trying not to get crushed, be a threat to police officers? They have the bigger hand, the gun, the baton, the power over the black man. Why would a 37 year old black male with a son be a thug? Even if he was, why should that be a reason for him to die? Was he shooting at the police, or literally trying to fight them like white males do?

Another thing is that white males clearly get some special treatment from the police. I saw a video of a white guy armed with a machete that was visible to people recording the video not too far away. This guy was screaming at the police, getting in fighting stances towards them and charging towards them, all while the police kept shouting "get down on the ground!" Even when he tried to literally fight the police, they said "get down on the ground please!" Nice that they used proper etiquette instead of shooting him.

I saw the video of Philando after getting shot by police last night on Twitter, and he had been a victim as well. He was stopped by police for a broken tail light, with his fiancee and her four year old daughter in the car. The officer had asked him to get out his license, so he reached into his pocket to take out his license. And then, according to Philando's girlfriend, while Philando was getting out his license from his pocket, the police officer told him not to move.

How the fuck are you going to ask someone to get out their license and then tell them not to move? So Philando didn't hear this fast enough, and the officer then shot four bullets into him.

Four bullets. All for reaching into his pocket to get his license. So clearly, the officer thought much too fast and assumed that Philando was pulling out a gun. So why didn't the officer wait for Philando to pull out the "gun" and then do something? Because I don't see how you're gonna ask someone for license and the minute they reach for the license, you shoot at them. Must have been because Philando was black at the wrong place and time.

When I watched the video, the fiancee started to say she hoped he wasn't dead, because he was bleeding to death(no one had checked his pulse or anything after shooting him), and I started to pray too. I found out earlier yesterday that he had died shortly after, and I cried. That's two black lives lost within two days at the hands of a white police officer. The people we are supposed to trust with our lives, and it is justified because they were "thugs."


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I really can't talk about it anymore, it hurts my heart that this should happen in 2016

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I really can't talk about it anymore, it hurts my heart that this should happen in 2016. That someone should be killed for being black at the wrong place and wrong time, be killed for being a black male. I'll talk about black on black crime later because y'all seem to think that's an excuse for these murders. But I didn't see any of ya caring about black on black crime, which is a huge issue, until we started to care about white police officers. The same thing as all lives matter supporters, y'all never cared about anybody dying in different countries or other people besides POC being killed by police. And y'all still don't care, you just want to use it as an excuse for black lives being taken.


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