school hacks

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i should b the last person giving school tips but i honestly am a great student, i do homework and everything. the only thing is: i fail tests & i goof off in math class. it's not great.

but i jus wanted to do dis bc i'm lowkey feelin special and think i'm perfect @ school. leggo.


[ study for tests and quizzes the day they are announced and the day before the actual quiz itself. make flashcards, use khan academy, review notes, stay after school or do a practice quiz. ]

[ homework !! is so !! important !! just get it done right when you get home so that you have the rest of the day to yourself. ]

[ try to gain a relationship with your teachers. you don't have to love them, but being respectful to them and paying attention in class will make them like you & if you need help or extra credit they will probably be more willing. ]

[ check grades every week. if you can, check your grades every week after a test or quiz or if you know you had a lot of homework. ]

[ be willing to learn. school really isn't for everyone but if you just put a little thing of effort into your schoolwork, school will seem less stressful and useless once your grades come out. ]

[ refresh your mind. even over break you should keep at your work at least for an hour 2x a week so that you can go back to school w all your cute knowledge n shit. ]

S O C I A L / D R A M A

[ stay out of drama. see, i attempted to stay out of drama but got pulled in, which is inevitable. if you get into drama without really meaning to, talk to someone. even if it's not that serious, if someone in charge sets boundaries, people will be less willing to continue the drama. ]

[ talk to friends. even if you have like one or two friends, i strongly suggest you keep up with those hoes & get real close because if those are your only friends and you pull some shit, you're screwed lol. take that with a grain of salt. ]

[ join clubs. you don't have to join school clubs, but participating in sports or clubs can make a difference in a positive way & you can have fun while in school. ]

[ don't get too sucked into crushes. yA i know i stay talking about boys but hELLO this is a rant book. irl, boys aren't on my mind 24/7. just try to keep a steady social life involving crushes while balancing school. it's literally the easiest thing. ]

H A V I N G   A   L I F E

[ don't be afraid to relax sometimes, but keep working. in order to succeed, you have to take a break sometimes. however, you can't procrastinate immensely & you have to keep your head in the game fam. ]

[ be with friends & family during your free time. actually venture out of the house. ]

[ don't be on your phone 24/7 during the school week. on weekends, it's all gucci, but try to stay focused on work and relaxing (without a phone) during the school week. ]

P E R S O N A L  C A R E

[ take care of yourself. worry about yourself & don't get too involved. ]

[ shower!! brush your teeth!! wash your clothes!! eat breakfast!! all v important if u want 2 kno key to success. ]

[ don't stress yourself out bruh bruh. after hw and studying, take a break. only study for an hour on quizzes n tests. ]

[ if you're dealing w depression or anxiety or any other mental disorders, talk to someone. ]


[ keep everything you need in your backpack. pads, tampons, money, school items, a phone charger if necessary, etc. ]

[ don't get into smoking & drinking too early. ]

[ have some level of respect for yourself and others. ]

[ bring extra clothes just in case. ]

[ always eat breakfast. if you can't eat at home or in the car, peep the school for breakfast in the morning or eat something quick like: granola bars, smoothie, mini muffins, leftovers, pb crackers, pb sandwich. da possibilities r endless kid. ]

now i'm done & try to do well in school bc a number of my resolutions r to succeed in my academics ok ok.


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