violence at donald's rally

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i'm sure all of you have heard about the 70 something yr old white man punching a probably 20-something yr old black guy at the donald trump rally.

here's how it went down - the black man was a protestor at donald's rally, protesting peacefully. he was walking out of the rally with a smile on his face and all of a sudden, this white man came out of nowhere and suckerpunched him right in the face. and nobody did anything. there was no media crowding around, no police officers swarming the white guy, yet there were thousands of people at the rally ???

anyway, the white man went back to his seat, literally just sat back down. the media came to him and asked him some questions and he said, "he's lucky, next time i'm gonna kill him."

you do realize that is obviously supporting white supremacy and racism, correct ? and what does he mean by "next time"? so the next time a young black man, probably not the same one who he fucking suckerpunched, is protesting peacefully at the rally, you're going to kill him for the sake of DONALD TRUMP?

ay dios mio let me collect myself.

so they eventually arrested him but there were no police crowding around him. if it had been a black guy suckerpunching the white man, i bet you the police would've been all over him and it would be eric garner or michael brown all over again and everyone would be okay with it . you know, just for the sake of donald trump.

so my mom was so angry about this last night and our whole family ( my two sisters and my dad ) gathered in the living room while my mom was screaming about this.

and i mean literally screaming. like she was absolutely livid. if you want to see what i mean, add me on snapchat (zuzustillhatesu) and watch my story. it'll probably expire later tonight but oh well.

anyway she was talking about how this is taking the country back fifty or so years and she was absolutely done with trump's ugliness and inability to take responsibility for his voters' actions. he's the one who said to punch the hell out of any of the protestors and then tried to switch it up when the news wanted to talk to him.

anyways she went on and on for at least an hour and a half about this stuff and at times it was really funny so i was trying not to laugh but then other times it was serious.

anyway, i would rant more but i gotta get going to a class. bye everybodyyy


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