free ke$ha / nate maloley / river's interview

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so michael tried to warn us about sony.
so i don't know the story very well but according to things i've read, kesha was r*ped by one of her producers i think, who works for sony. she didn't even want to get him arrested, she just didn't want to work with him. who would want to work with someone who took advantage of them in any way in the first place. but the judge refused to let her stop working with the producer & she has to KEEP working with him?

honestly, what kind of sick shit .. if someone is a victim of SEXUAL VIOLENCE ( a serious matter ), then the situation should be handled properly??? i'm honestly fucking disgusted, they're really making her work with someone who r*ped and traumatized her. in what world does that work out. it's like abuse, if your partner hits you, you break connections because they're going to hit you again.

if somebody who you work with r*pes you, sure they might not do it again but that does NOT, under any circumstances, make it safe for them to be worked with again.

smh this is all too familiar.

i'm really done with the whole industry/hollywood type thing, especially with childhood actors, you see why they get so fucked up. two of the BEST child actors ended up dead. hollywood and celebrity life looks glamorous and all, but in reality, it's fucking evil.

corey haim was 14 when he was r*ped by a man much older than him on the set of lucas, leading him to believe it was normal for young boys and older men to hook up in hollywood, "it's just what they do." he then lived with a hyper sexualized behavior and got into drugs too soon. he didn't die from drugs but rather from pneumonia -- wouldn't be surprised if that was linked to the drugs.

then river phoenix got into drugs (but ultimately it was a decision he legitimately chose to get into his role more), but then again his hollywood friend was the one who gave him the spiked drink that led him to passing out and convulsing, eventually dying.

i don't want to see more of these people who have talent and are just trying to make it in a world they had been so interested in flop / die because of the people that were supposed to help them succeed.

tbh celebrity world needs to clean itself up- i know these people are just like us but tbh, things need to stop being sugarcoated so that this doesn't keep happening to people around the world who want to be famous for a reason, because they have talent that other people enjoy.

plus kesha's pretty cool- i'm not just saying this now; but her music was gucci (at least to my 10 year old ears.)

so #freekesha needs to become a reality.

next, nate maloley's show?
i've watched all the videos from tonight. also, according to fans, this is how it went down:

derek luh and some of nate's other friends (srry i don't really keep up w nate or any of the other ogoc boys to be quite frank) were smoking weed at nate's concert, something they always do. idk i guess security got mad then touched a fan so nate grabbed the security guard and pulled him back & then deadass got fucking JUMPED on stage by security like deadass. someone kicked nate in the fucking face while he's already covering his face and on the ground ???

it made me really mad when that fucker who happens to be a lot larger than nate kicked him square in the face. like that shit wasn't even subtle, he deadass shoved someone who was trying to HELP nate and then walked over in front of nate and kicked him in the face. fuckin nasty.

and ofc all nate's fans are PISSED some people are downright livid. i jus wish this sort of consciousness would've happened within people when eric garner was put in a chokehold ☕️ but ok.

anyways, that jingled my bells. like what's wrong with security a lot of the time? and beating up the performer on stage? who the fuck do you think you are? and nate walked out with bruises and cuts and he was crying & my heart just sank.

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