@ a garden party & a cute white drummer boy

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so atm i'm at this garden party basically at a huge garden and i went there last year & there's a silent auction and whatnot bla bla bla.

anyway i look rlly good but my phone is gonna die soon and i'm kinda bored but this place is gorgeous ngl. anyway the only thing really keeping me sane is this smooth jazz band and there's this cute drummer and when i walked into the space where he was playing we made some serious eye contact bitch !!!

like we looked like we were ready to fight each other till he smiled and i melted bitch. anyway it's not gna work out cuz he's white and probs only likes white girls and he looks like he's 17 and uGH HE JUST DID THIS DRUM SOLO AND IM READY TO STAB MY LEG.

anyway let's continue this story !! so like i was over at the food place while he was playing but he looked up at me agaiN then looked back down at his drumming ugh kill me now ,,,

anyway then he took a break and he went to eat something so you know a bitch came over solely to look at him and he was in a circle with his band friends and like ,,, omg so like you know when you're trying to look at someone or something but if you look at them fully they'll beat ur ass so u just look very swiftly and then look back ??


anyway then i was in line getting lemonade because lemonade is a personal fave of mine and i'm waiting in line just watching him get closer as he completely avoids eye contact with me and then he like goes around me in a circle uhh bitch ?? and then i swearrr tooo goodd it must have been a bug or a spirit if it wasn't his hand touching my back and then saying,

"'scuse me sorry" and tHEN I THINK HE CHUCKLED VERY LIGHTLY TO HIMSELF AND BITCH !! BITCH !! i was like,

"that's okay," and then i could not hold my goofy ass smile the same one i had when i finally spoke with my white boy and then i like walked away literally CACKLING like yall this is me bro you think i'm chill and smooth but bitch ,,, a bitch was CACKLING while she walked away LMAO

Update --- i was walking over to get more food and i intentionally looked up at him BU T HE WAS ALREADY LOOKING AT ME LIKE I KID YOU NOT !! i'm winning bitch ,,, !


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