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so i saw this text post and it was like
me : *wears pretty undies again*
period : hell no
and ofc my cocky ass was like: "haha my period has never been like that and never will be for my next forty plus years of perioding!! haha"

but today, i was turned against and im really pissed off cuz they were cute and had polka dots and i was like "ima wear this on friday but i hope my period doesn't come outta nowhere and destroy these." but it's all good :))))

anyways, snap back to reality! hey, there goes gravity lol

i feel like i rant to you guys more about boys and my education more than real life situations and problematic things. smh cuz fuckin carlos had to knock on my door matter of fact he didn't even knock, the nigga just barged in. hoe.

(probs gna make a rant about using the word nigga bc i've learned to accept the fact that people use this word casually but i'm gna make a rant abt who can use it & its history and whatnot soon)

anyways this chapter is just a thing idk it's not an update and nothing big happened so i guess i'm just talking to yall.

hello :)
i feel like since this term is finally over, i can start with a clean slate and get my shit together -bless.

btw idk why i stressed abt science bc the homework grade is 40% of my grade and quizzes are 60% and he doesn't teach, we don't take notes or anything. all we do is watch bill nye and movies about space which provide us with no prior knowledge for whatever we're learning next. it's frustrating honestly, students are starting to get sick of it. he also acts like a child as well, getting mad at students when they dnt understand something as if he specified anything.


today was chill like i purposely didn't talk to carlos which was good cuz i need to find my space !! and we watched dora in spanish class hahaha.

i guess after school i just spent time w people that i love and that love me so yeah it was fun. my friend taught me how to dance bachata(if i said i knew how to that was a lie) and i went to the corner store to get lemonade. and i bought gold fish at lunch but i forgot about them soooo then i was super excited when i found them again after school wee!!

and yeah now i'm home and i made me a cup of green tea and now i'm gna watch netflix and nap and watch netflix and dm my friends and chill. also i have a bunch of new stories in mind(one i was thinking of and it reminds me of me n carlos bc i've been meaning to write one of those teen fiction crush books and now that i have a situation like that, why not lol)

also i have another story idea and i think i'm kinda over fanfictions. yeah i'll write more but trusssst me until the whole (note whole) of "camp counselor" is over u will not see me writing another fanfiction about jack gilinsky. lol im not that into boys that are like 19 and younger except a few and he's one of them but other than that, liddo boys ain't shit.

matter of fact my life would be a good ass fanfiction.

oh yeah i skipped study today which was hecka fun bc i was with all my bitches and yeah. i've never skipped before but i was chill abt it bc study isn't getting me on honor roll and tbh i was in my teacher's room with mis amigas until lunch and then afterwards we just wandered 😅

might upload a youtube video next week or this week who knos!!

xo ur happy butterfly zuz flittering around ur decaying soon to be winter garden,


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