stop with this fuckery

93 19 6

Ugh, I'm so tired of people making fun of "Work" by Rihanna for the lyrics.

First of all, the reason she sounds like she's not speaking english is because she's using a Caribbean informal language identified with Jamaican Patois, but Bajan shares the same vocabulary. Are we forgetting that Rihanna is from Barbados?

It's so annoying when white people and even POC make fun of the song by singing gibberish after "Work, work, work, work, work, work" when even though the language is quite unidentifiable and sounds like broken English (which it's not) is not equivalent to you going "Gahorbelala." And the people that make fun of the song in that way ARE aware of the fact that it's clearly a different language.

I feel like making fun of the lyrics of the song that they can't understand is like someone mocking the Chinese language and making their eyes look like slits or imitating a Mexican person and using purposely incorrect Spanish. 

Like I saw this snapchat from a beauty guru I watch named Rachel Levin and she was mocking the lyrics to the song and clearly she had good intentions but all she did was speak gibberish. And I got pissed.

So since y'all are waiting for the English version of the song (English isn't the only language and it certainly isn't the official language of America - even if it was you can't mock other languages or stop other people from speaking their language), here are the CORRECT lyrics.

"He said me haffi work" - "He said I have to work." Haffi meaning "have to."

"When you ah go learn" - "When are you going to learn?" Ah go meaning "going to."

"Meh nuh cyar if him hurt/hurting" - "I don't care if he's hurt." "Nuh" meaning "no", "Cyar" meaning "care."

"Dry! Me a desert him" - "Dry! It's time to leave him." "Dry" is Jamaican Patois for "boring."

"Nuh time to have you lurking" - should be self explanatory - Rihanna has no time for him to be doing nothing for her.

"Him ah go act like he nuh like it" - (not exactly sure) "He's going to act like he don't like it."

"Nuh budda text me in a crisis" - at first I thought this said "nobody text me in a crisis" but thanks to Genius Rap, I've discovered that this means "Don't bother texting me in a crisis."

"Just get ready fi" - "Just get ready for." "Fi" meaning "for."

There's your analysis of the lyrics for all you ignorant people mocking a language because you don't understand it.


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