thank u v much

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i was having a really bad day just now and i was full on in tears about it bc ofc more drama came my way and also i was talking to someone and they only recognized me cuz of the kieanna drama that i was in & that made me real sad. the drama was minor but it was somebody subbing me so i was upset bc it was pretty intense and it was on her story where hella people who now don't like me can see it & they'll def know it was me she was subbing so...

but that's over now thankfully but then everything was sort of overwhelming bc i was having a v cool day until this hit me & it's not fun. but then in the midst of my tears i remembered a comment one of u left me recently about how i was an inspiration and when i read that, i remembered how happy that made me u kno :))

and now tbh
it really does not matter who sees the snapchat of the person indirecting me. they already have their opinion on me, that snap will make their opinion of me even worse bUT when i truly shine on all their televisions and phone screens, their opinion won't matter then and it doesn't matter now.

i'm rlly v grateful to have people who are genuinely inspired by me and look up to me bc that comment that i read just completely bought me into my safe zone. i don't mean to get all mushy but i'm very deep about that.


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