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( Ah this didn't upload when I thought it would but I'm not feeling all that shitty now & my phone is working )

I'm really genuinely upset right now.

Side note - loOk how smooth Corey looks in that GIF there I want to stab my leg.

Side note - typing on my laptop ;)

So my best friend, we'll call her Nana ( like nah nah , that's her nickname), suddenly stopped talking to me after December 13. I know this because that's the day we left Cape Cod ( which we were at together in the same house ) & she transferred to a new school.

Ever since then, she basically stopped talking to me for like no reason and I would always see her Snap Story and she'd be with her friends outside of school & it was really annoying because obvi IDC that she has friends, but it's like, if you have so much time to chill w your friends outside of school then why not hmu?

So like a few weeks into her silence, I started talking to her but they were always short conversations. And then like two weeks ago I asked if we could hang out (keep in mind we hadn't seen each other since December 13th) and she seemed pretty uninterested IMO.

Then this week, just yesterday as a matter of fact, I asked if we could hang out again. She said I could come over to her house. So I'm like HELLA excited for this because we haven't seen each other in a minute so after my dentist appointment this morning, my mom dropped me off at her house.

And when I was in the kitchen I was talking to her mom and when Nana came in she did not acknowledge me at all (which I didn't care about, she always stays up late and then wakes up all slow and usually doesn't say hey when I come over anyways lol) but I was lowkey like "..." because we haven't seen each other in DEAD ASS two months and six days and you're not even gonna half heartedly say "Hey Zuzu."


So we start chillin jus me and her but all she's talking to me about is her friend Peter who sounds lame as fuck from what she's told me about him and he's DEFINITELY a bad influence. This bitch really has a pocket thing with not even just a knife, multiple blades/weapons ALL IN ONE that she's keeping "for Peter *smile*" as if it's not a big deal. And for some reason Peter's legally not allowed in San Diego?

Hm, a thirteen/fourteen/ possibly fifteen year old boy legally not allowed in San Diego that has you keeping a weapon for him... yes trust, you gotta!


And then she's just on her phone texting Peter and not saying a word to me so I'm just sitting there all lonely and Peter was really about to come over until he changed his mind. And when I called him lame which he is, she goes and defends him. Then he calls me weird ( in a bad way ) and she laughs. Alright puta you might wanna slow down right there because I'll drop you faster than a hot potato.

Literally she was not talking to me until we went out for CVS and Boomerangs and the dollar store.

Oh and one of the fuckin employees from the dollar store, I really wanted to smack her. Nana and I were admiring the balloons ( maybe not from a distance ) and this BITCH really goes,

"Can y'all stop before you break it and then I make you pay for it?" in the rudest tone.

And I can understand if the dollar store was packed but there was deadass nobody in there but us, I think she could've been a lot less- disrespectful .

And the balloons are one dollar, it's not going to be the end of our world if she made us pay for them.

So then I hear her talkin shit about us with her other little friend from a distance. Talking about how the little boys that come here always wanna be bad (or maybe you just have a real screwed up perspective of reality and peoples' genuine personalities) and how she hated children.

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