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bout tired of these white girls at my school constantly saying nigga
also tired of hispanic people thinking they can use it ?? um no sweaty .

idc if you're half korean half colombian, if you're not BLACK. do not say nigga or nigger or negro or anything of the sort.

it's everywhere with the people at my school and i'm sooooo tired of it and the ignorance everywhere. you all know what i had to face w fuckboy earlier in the year when he kept thinking he could say nigga LOLLLLL.

and idk WHY hispanic people think they can use it?? because they were oppressed too ?? because they live in the same communities as we do ?? it doesn't work that way sweets. you're not down. especially when a lot of the hispanic community happens to be anti black but that's a whole 'nother topic.

unless you're mexican you really can't say it ?? you can say it if you're mexican because they were called niggers too. so. reclaim that shit.

but if the word was never your's and you used it to discriminate against us, don't be the usual copy cats you are and use that same word when we who deserve to use it because it was used against us reclaim that word.

anyway also my hispanic friends now think it's cute to call me a nigger as a joke when we're fake roasting each other ?? even the ones who are woke about police brutality and other issues in the general poc community ?? and they all have a lot of remarks about our skin ??

like for example, i was taking a picture with one of my friends who is almost the same skin tone as me (and i'm dark skinned), and then we were with two of our lightskinned hispanic friends. we were complaining about the lighting andone of my lightskin friends go,

"it's because you guys are black as fuck!" in a yelling joking manner. i couldn't help but feel a little unsettled. duh i'm black as fuck, but hella unapologetically.

idk why but it seems like people only notice that someone is black when they see their "flaws" or things they don't like. like beyonce singing about being black at the superbowl ??? um...

and i don't like when people make fun of how dark skinned people are and a pet peeve to the maxxxxx is how people choose team light skin or dark skin. no no no. brown people are winning period. poc are winning period. you're against racism yet somehow creating internalized racism ??

idk if yall realized but the push to get our voices heard and out there is to start within our own community. stop with the teasing each other about hair, especially all you little coon black guy's so far up a white girl's fake ass, as if your mother isn't black.

i don't get how black boys with black parents can say "i don't like dark skinned girls!1!1" when ... their ... parents ... are ... dark skinned ???

if you're a coon black boy and you're reading this and you don't like dark skinned girls or you would rather go for those long blonde hair fake ass plastic surgery types, i dare you to tell your mother you don't like dark skinned girls LMAOOO.

and for all the white boys who smoke weed & can range from age 10 until forever just because their minuscule brains never seem to develop, nobody cares what you think about us poc. i can't tell you how many white boys and westernized boys(whose parents tell them to marry only asians or white girls) have told me with a smirk on their face that "they don't like black girls" or that "black girls are disgusting." ... ok ??? ... lol i don't think i care ... i'm still POPPIN and you're still stuck with girls who have no upper lip so it's all good boo boo, i didn't want to date white trash anyway.

all the white boys i love and obsess over are gold. so they're in the safe zone especially river and leo. corey haim is a lil off talking about how he loves "exotic girls" (what does that even mEaN?!)

but yeah...

anyway i could tell you SO much about the dumb shit my POC friends have said because even poc have no clue. like today my friend was talking about this white kid and saying that he has a black girlfriend and we were all like aye okay cuz he's hot too so !! and he's italian ooo !!

anyway, then she was like "and she's like black like..." and then she pointed to the BLACK fence like literal black. and we all laughed but then i was like wait she's literally dehumanizing our race by comparing my skin color to a rusty old fence as a joke you could just say she's really dark skinned.

and once before that same friend when we weren't really friends was walking with me and a mutual and a police car came by and she goes "don't shoot me i'm black!" (being dominican and puerto rican) and she like smiled thinking she was cute but both me and my friend who are ACTUALLY black gave her the grossest stare. i think she got the clue.

another one of my friends made a joke about police brutality but i didn't hear it so i laughed and then shortly after realized what she said and i was like "...wyd?" the way SHE laughed made it seem like she knew she shouldn't have said that. she had to turn around and make sure her black friends in the background were okay with it ( coming soon - using black people as props. )

it's not a joke. you don't joke about five ignorant teens getting killed in a car crash cuz they didn't have their seat belt on, so you don't joke about innocent black sixteen year olds getting shot when they surrendered. i just gotta know why some hispanic people think they're black. a lot of them are black but the ones that aren't wanna be so bad.

just stop. you're not cute, you're not black. lmao what is so hard to understand about that and that goes out to all of you, not just hispanic people.


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