dreams with zuzu: i kissed heath leadger

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quick warning / this is not for the squeamish!! this is literally a dream where i almost did it with a dead guy okay ?? so like ... ya know ??

okay so i'm gonna start like a series called "dreams with zuzu" which is basically a chronicles of my dreams. i write down all my dreams in my journal but some of them are so wild that i just tell you guys them anyway !! i'm gonna edit some of the chapter names in my rants so you guys can read about my other dreams if you haven't already ahaha!

and i've dreamed everyday for the past two weeks. everyday. whether i be napping or actually sleeping. like lmao legit i was disappointed when i woke up this morning because i didn't dream when i actually slept, but then i took a nap later on in the day and i had a dream !!

so i'm gonna try my best to explain it. my dreams are confusing like more confusing than you would think- it switches scenes and there's so many little technicalities in my dreams that are so hard to explain. like literally in this dream it went from Heath Ledger to the Kardashians - literally. so like, keep up man.

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so I really don't remember the entirety of my dream, because I forget some details when I wake up or a few hours later. but all I know is that I had a dog, a furry white cocker spaniel mix (the same kinda dog that my friend has.) and anyway, I was like in some kind of home ec. class and I was trying to learn how to cook and all that , idk why I would ever choose that class but whatever.

so I know I started out at the mall with my dog and my dog was causing a ruckus so we like escaped the mall 💀 I think we were being chased ahahaha but yeah my dog was being a lil bitch ! but we left the mall and went back to my house.

my house was way different. it was like a beach chic kinda house with red walls and like yellow pillows - big ass glass windows (like hotel windows that show the whole view) that the sun was shining through. and like I guess I was a little older because why the fuck would I be with him :

 and like I guess I was a little older because why the fuck would I be with him :

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otherwise ??

so like I'm trying to make an omelette or something, and I leave the stove on whatever. and I don't exactly remember what happened but like then I was sitting on the couch with fucking Heath Ledger complaining about something and then I was like licking his arm ?? like I grabbed his arm and started literally sucking on it and kissing it and stuff like oh my god this man is dead literally why am I dreaming that I'm licking his arm ???

like yes he is attractive but ah that's so weird ? but then again it's not because I've had a dream where I was kissing Corey Haim but that was like a cute kiss, you know??? and Corey Haim is my little baby and I don't even want to have sex with him because he's my little baby and he's dead ?? like if you don't already know, I have a thing for dead guys & I am pretty fucked up, but not that fucked up??? what I'm trying to say here is -- I don't dream about sex with dead guys ? or think about sex with dead guys idk especially if it's someone like Corey Haim or River Phoenix !! it's weird, and pretty disrespectful ??? just imo.

okay so back to the dream !! so I'm like kissing his arm, and I come across this red patch on his arm and I go,

"what's that?"

he literally does not respond like keep in mind that the entire time I'm kissing his arm, Heath is just sitting on that couch looking entirely calm and like his face is so emotionless. so he doesn't respond and y'all oh my god I start to nibble on the red patch on his arm... and it like peels off and it tastes like a fruit roll up, so I think he literally had a piece of red fruit roll up stuck to his arm LMAOO I'm weak !!

okay anyway I continue to kiss him but this time I take a leap and I kiss his neck and stuff and start sucking his earlobe and the whole time he's still emotionless ??? like he's got this face on that says: "damn, this bitch so irritating." lmao ya know?

anyway I can explain the earlobe thing - maybe at like 4am I watched this:

because he's one of my favorite male youtubers and he has loads of these stories and this one looked interesting 👁

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because he's one of my favorite male youtubers and he has loads of these stories and this one looked interesting 👁

so here I am sucking on Heath Ledger's earlobe and meanwhile he's still emotionless. so I like move off of the couch while gasping,

"oh my god!"

he looks up at me but doesn't say anything like literally he is not concerned about me at all !! lmao anyways y'all then I like climb onto his lap like I'm actually straddling him and I put my arms around his neck and I think I was about to kiss him again.

but I look behind him and like okay behind us is like the stairway and like a bunch of empty space on the floor before the stairway. tell me why I see my mother crouching down there smiling at me oh mY GOD y'all I must have had a heart attack bro like I hopped off Heath so fast.

and he kinda just glanced behind him, saw my mom and then kept looking straight forward like y'all he did not give a damn for the entire dream lmaoo. lmao so I'm no longer on Heath's lap, but my mom acts like she did not see a thing. she just walks over to the stove, lifts up the pan my omelette was in and I see it all burnt and ugly and I was so heated omg !!

anyway then that part of the dream ended, now onto the Kardashians part of the dream. basically, they were on the beach for the whole entire dream- I think it was Kourtney and Kim and they were like outside of their beach house or whatever. and there was this young lady that was walking by, and Kim and Kourt had their dog like standing a few feet away from them.

anyway I guess they're really protective about their dog and they didn't want someone to try and replace them as the dog mom 😩💀 so when the girl passed by their dog, they were dead ass watching so intensely. the girl just goes: "hi little doggy!" and goes on with her day.

anyway, then the girl walked by the next day and literally as she was walking by, Kourt and Kim started talking shit about her very loudly to the dog. like literally it was wildt!!!

and then the day after, the lady walks by and she comes up to them and goes.

"hey, um, I'm sorry that I've been doing this, but I have to walk through here to get to work safely. I'm not trying to steal your dog or be your dog's new mom, or whatever. I hope that's okay with you?"

and literally Kourt and Kim's face fucking dropped like they were literally ashamed. they go,

"oh no yeah it's okay, it's okay, we didn't think you were ... yeah."

and then credits started rolling like this whole dream was a TV show or a movie and then my dream ended.

so yeah... wild ass dreams with zuzu. if I dream again tonight, it better be about River or Corey Haim(except innocent man) lmaooo. thoughts, any1?


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