my birthday and Seb

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Okay so I know all I talk about is Seb and for some reason I want this chapter to have capitals in the right place cuz this is a pretty important chapter I mean ,,, we're talking about my birthday here.

But anyway y'all my bday is in two days uhh lit gang out here tbh ! I'm turning 14 it's gonna be so lit :-))) I'm trying to avoid growing up but it's truly inevitable. Next year I'm gonna be fifteen and that's honestly wild as hell but ig I'm just getting older ¿ Age doesn't define who you are so as long as I don't change too much I'll be good. Meaning as long as I don't lose interest in writing or singing or acting ya know what I mean ?? But yee other than that I'm excited.

I'm going to the mall on Sunday and I'm gonna get some new fall clothes n hopefully some shoes n stuff :-)) ya know :-)). But yeah I kinda want some scarves and leggings and sweats and boots and just fall things :-) and some stuff to decorate my room for the fall (for Christmas I'm dead ass asking for a white rug in my room like I can't take this ugly floor anymore) and I want my walls repainted 'n stuff.

Anyway but also for my birthday I'm getting River Phoenix and Corey Haim t-shirts and phone cases off of and I'm super excited cuz I've been waiting on these merchandise for soooo long !! eep I'm so happy n excited.

Okay now onto Seb tee hee :-)) if you don't know who Seb is literally just read the last three rants LMFAO he's all I've been talking about. Anyway on Wednesday I found out that Seb takes the same bus as my girl Holly's (boston-5sos_fam go read her rant book YALL THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY YOU DON'T WANNA MISS !! ) bus and I got so excited.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I'm actually laughing at the fact that the doors almost closed on him cuz today Holly was talking about it and she said that the doors almost closed as soon as he walked in LMFAOOO I'm genuinely laughing

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I'm actually laughing at the fact that the doors almost closed on him cuz today Holly was talking about it and she said that the doors almost closed as soon as he walked in LMFAOOO I'm genuinely laughing. I'm really out here telling y'all how smooth and supa fly he is but he can't even get on a bus haha I feel like a bully but I'm just imagining it aww.

Anyway today I actually got to talk to him in class so that was cool ish and it wasn't anything big so don't expect TEA y'all! Actually the part where I talked to him in class isn't a big deal but the cafeteria situation kinda is ??? but not really at the same time ??? like to me it is but to anyone else you'd be expecting something way more important so that's why I'm saying this before hand. But ANYWHOOOO, I was in Bio class. And we got to choose who our partners would be today, so I turned around to Jay's(the girl Seb might like) table and I was like,

#rantable2.0Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ