my past crushes

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okay so someone wrote a rant about their past crushes and i should do the same so like here goes. all my crushes as far back as i can remember.

third grade :
okay so at my old old school, in third grade you would be younger than average third graders because our school was based on like european school system. i guess !! like we had forms instead of grades anyway that's why i'm a freshman at thirteen instead of fourteen. but basically we were like 7-8 in third grade.

ANYWAY, i had a crush on this kid named Mac. i still remember what he looks like and i thought he was super cute but i probably wouldn't today. anyway he was from Canada and he had either an accent or a speech impediment like i really couldn't tell. his mom let him use those huge kitchen knifes and my ass was really astonished about that. and he had a pet bunny just like me !! anyway, he was super cool and we were gonna hang out one day but we never did ?? oh well. yeah but he was kool.

fifth grade :
went to a new school, and i had a crush on this kid named Luke. he was like a huge gamer, played guitar and he was pretty cute i mean ehehshs. anywayyy, i had a crush on him and we legit dated for a week haha. anyway, omg we had chemistry BRO we were desk partners for a while and we would flirt away girl omfg i still remember certain moments. like i'm pretty sure he liked me back and never admitted it but like i cannot believe ,,, like i was so ugly at the time lmao.

anyway, like yeah we were friends too and this bitch is rich cuz i went to his house for his bday party yeooo he is rich. and like he now has a gaming channel and he doesn't know but i sometimes still creep his channel bc i'm a wild ass bitch who stalks her past mans.

anyway we were good friends, swear we had chemistry like we were really about that life, and i have so many story-times about our flirting but i'm too lazy to type it. plus it was nothing special, just ur run of the mill 5th grade relationship stuff. and yo his mom used to make the best little pumpkin treats for his birthday boiii them shits were POPPIN.

anyway, luke, ur cool. haven't seen him in like two years cuz we saw each other at some party for my school when we all left in the summer like dos anos ago and we still had that spark hoe !! we played soccer for a while and we played even when everyone else left and that has nothing to do with a "spark" but i mean ;) ;) come on ;) ;)

sixth grade :
then i had a crush on this kid named Jean. big eyes and long ass lashes, he was kinda cute, still looks the same (we follow each other on Instagram.) anyway i don't remember why i liked him but he asked out my best friend and she knew i liked him but she dated him anyways :) if that had happened today LMAO the bitch would've been dropped.

anyway this same friend also told him i had a crush on him so ,,,

BUT me being zuzu, very confrontational at the time and always speaking up or not being shy, i kiked him and told him anyways and we used to talk on kik like everyday.

oh mind you so far all these crushes have been white boys lmaoao.

seventh grade:
oh my god so in seventh grade i had a crush on Fuckboy. y'all know him, i dislike him with a passion (tea)  !! he isn't even that cute but sometimes he looks really hot and i want to sit ... anywAY let's move on.

anyway as i learned in eighth grade, he's a racist, homophobic, sexist bitch ass FUCK AND I WANT TO FIGHT HIM SO HARD.

anyway, i had a crush on him in seventh grade and i'm cringing because i had a unibrow and glasses and eventually braces and i was disgust and didnskdof

anyway, i cannOT. but anyway, he like was charming. like one of those boys that u know will never actually like you but they always flirt with you. that's the type of shit he would do HA. like i remember i told u guys this story of how like i was talking to some kid and i go:

"oh my god, ( insert kid's name. )"

and he goes, "oh my god ( insert kid's name.)" into my ear but he MOANED IT SO he completely switched it around and i should have wanted to fight him for that but me being zuzu, i thought it was hot lmao kill me and eat my remains.

and like right after he did that my face burned the fuck up like my face was so red and he just moved away suavely and fucking kill m e i hate him so mich i want to f ight him. fuck.

fuck like i cannot stand i cant even talk about this.

i'm no longer going to talk about this.

eighth grade:

first POC crush, Dominican kid he was cute whatever.

omfjdidif so OMFG i might still have rant about him in the first rant book. but basically, he was in my Spanish class ya tu sabe. and like we were cool like we actually talked, we were FRIENDS. i thought we had chemistry but then i found out he had a gf.

so like me being me, clueless and fucking just having turned thirteen, i go to tell him i don't have a crush on him bc people said that he thinks that i do. so like, i think everything's all good because it's not like i meant anything other than to tell him thAT I DID NOT LIKE HIM HOLY SHIT LIKE OF COURSE I WAS LYING BUT I DIDN'T NEED HIM THINKING I DID SO I TOLD HIM I DIDN'T. i wasn't over here tryna start nun.

anyway his girlfriend thought different like i had NO idea that this was such a crime to tell someone that you didn't like them like it sounds sketch i guess to everyone in the world but me ? anyway she wanted to fight me, Carlos and i were like no longer speaking, and me and his gf are now coo. cuz she broke up with him like a month after she caused a whole fiasco within the school. like that was all the school people were talking about. that was IT.

people still talk about it but it's just funny to me now, i still have screenshots of his gf's dms and i read them for a laugh. ooh did i mention that Carlos is like 15 now (freshman when we talked, going into sophomore year), and his gf was a sophomore... that wanted to fight an eighth grader. but i mean hey whatever ☕️

ANYWAY i no longer associate with Carlos. I fucking hate him he's a little bitch he can suck my dick, ass, pussy and all because he a bitch nigga and I'll fight him. i hate him.

anyway then of course my White Boy(the singing one), who i had the biggest school girl crush on. read: "I TALKED TO MY WHITE BOY"(one of the chapters in here) just to get a feel of how i feel about him lmao. he's a sweety but i'm pretty sure someone exposed the fact that i'm obsessed with him but hey ! he probably is in love with me, everyone is.

that's it yall !! comment if u can relate to any of these crushes.


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