college leo smut pt 2

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this is part two of the previous leonardo smut that i posted with the sex-obsessed college girl as the protagonist. btw yall that last smut wasn't solely my plot !! i don't know if the person who came up with the idea for the last smut wants to be tagged but i totally forgot to mention this. this smut's plot idea is all her's too!
( but the first two smuts are my ideas )
anddd like i said for the last smut it was written for someone else so if it doesn't fit ur qualifications for like physical appearance then i'm sorryyy.

also the song for this is bubblegum bitch by marina and the diamonds. like this shit is a tearjerker.

ya let's jump in shall we.

- leo and you reconnect during the summer and both live in your home town together in your best friend's apartment that she permitted you two to use for the summer
- leo and you have been having an on again off again fling the whole summer because none of you are looking for a serious relationship
- everything is going swell, the fact that the two of you both have great sex is evident, but leo begins to act like an ignorant white boy and you start to see his true colors

You lay in bed, your head rested on Leo's lap as he sported jeans and no shirt. You were falling asleep but Leo was still scrolling through Netflix and trying to find a movie for you to watch. What was intended to be a cute couple's night in with food and  Netflix had quickly escalated into light (light for you two) sex. The food hadn't gone to waste though, you made sure to eat pizza and fries while Leo was doing whatever down there.

"Leo, I'm tired," you muttered, your teary eyes half closed.

"Go to sleep then, dear," Leo said to you as if the two of you were a married couple, stroking your hair with his hand and pressing the remote buttons with his other.

"I think I'm just gonna get some coffee from downstairs," you rubbed your head tiredly and blinked a few times before moving your head off of Leo's lap and scooting off of the bed.

Leo made sure to take notice as you strut away in your slightly tattered shirt and black underwear, and then his head turned back to the screen - Barney and Friends might be a good thing for the two of you two watch so you could calm down.

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The next morning, you woke up expecting Leo's arms to be wrapped around your waist, but instead they weren't. You were sprawled out on the bed and the covers were a mess all over you. You muttered something to yourself before flipping over and snatching your phone off of the nightstand beside you. The time read: 11:03, and you had fallen asleep around twelve midnight.

Rather than laying around and doing nothing with your precious time, you had taken the executive and gotten ready for the day, washing up in the warm shower and brushing your teeth. Not long after, you had gone downstairs to meet up with Leo who was cooking breakfast.

You heard the sound of pancake mix sizzling on the pan and knew that he was making his "famous" pancakes that had faces on them. You still didn't know how he did it since he tried to pass it off as a secret recipe of his, but you knew you could easily google how to do it and make pancakes ten times better than him.

"Morning," he yawned, flipping the pancake.

"Yeah, good morning, blah blah blah, all that shit. We're still going to Ana's party, right?" you asked him.

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