lil preview

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this is a quick little preview of my new book, which is of course going to be named "white boys"(thanks to everyone that voted.)
the girl's name is robyn, and the guy calling her is river, if it wasn't obvious. tell me what you think. (written on google docs so if it looks any different then that's why)

"Shit," she whispered to herself, realizing that one of the leashes was upstairs deep in her suitcase. She had to get properly dressed anyways, so she didn't exactly mind going back upstairs.

When she got upstairs, she changed into her go-to outfit- her professional looking blue denim skirt, with a white blouse tucked in, paired with Converse the same color as her skirt. She grabbed the leash from out her suitcase and ran back downstairs so her dogs wouldn't get too impatient and begin to howl instead of bark mercilessly. Her hair looked fine, it was tucked into a curly bun, and she pink sunglasses on over her eyes.

"Come on, babes! We're going walking, yeah!" she cooed to her dogs, who got steady enough for the leashes to be attached to their collars.

Finally, she opened the door, greeted by a sunny sky and a slightly cool breeze. Boston's weather was a lot chillier than Georgia's summers, but she actually liked it a lot better, she didn't even wear a jacket because she wanted to be cold. She was so sick of sweating in Georgia's grimy heat, and having to carry around wipes so her pores didn't look clogged wherever she went. When she went onto her lawn, first letting her dogs socialize a bit, she heard the bells ringing off of someone's bike. She turned around and noticed that one of her neighbors was outside and they had their bike out.

She turned away- from the looks of it, he was a blonde white boy- she couldn't associate. Luckily, they didn't have all white neighbors, they had Hispanic neighbors living right next to them, and their child was adopted, and was Nigerian. And the rest of the neighborhood was very diverse as well.

She shook her head at the thought of being bullied by the white kid living in the house in front of her, and tugged on her dog's leashes, trying to get them to leave the premises - she'd probably hit up the 7/11 down the street since she had spare change in the pockets of her denim skirt.

"Hey!" the kid yelled, the one that she knew she couldn't associate with. He was probably trying to call his friend over or something, to investigate her. She ignored him and pulled her dogs' leashes- but they were too immersed in their own conversation to get the memo that it was time to get a move on.
"Hey, you, girl!" the same kid called, and Robyn shot around.

"What did you call me?" she practically snarled, this time ready to defend herself.

The kid began to stutter,

"S-sorry, you weren't answering and I didn't know your name, I didn't mean to call you girl. I can make it up to you, promise."

idk i wanted to share that im p proud but thats not the best writing of the book believe me, thats like the end of chapter one.


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