i swear to you i'm psychic

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i'm being so deadass right now i'm psychic.

i've had a lot of situations where i would talk about things and then those things would occur or when i have intuition about people and those thoughts turn out to be a reality ?? 

okay so i'm gonna throw it back as far as i can remember and try to be descriptive.

but once i had this bracelet and it was white and fake pearls and my nana gave it to me and she's still here but it was so special to me and i wore it every single day. anyways it was during the summer and i was probably nine or ten and i had a very sort of cloudy dream where my bracelet broke and the little round pearls spread out all over the floor. & the bracelet broke for no reason in the dream like i wasn't tugging on it or anything.

i kinda forgot about the dream but then the next day, i was sitting down at the table at my camp just talking to people and then my bracelet literally broke while it was on my wrist- so for no reason. and i was surprisingly calm about it because i remembered the dream a few moments after it broke and figured that that was probably the reason why it broke. 

#2 - 

so i was going to this new school in fourth grade and we were choosing partners for things on the first day. so people were coming to me asking to be my partner and this one girl asked me to be my partner with this big smile on her face. and i was like "sure." with NO SMILE BACK because already i did not trust this girl like it was something about her squeaky voice (which is not squeaky normally btw) and her fake ass smile that completely turned me off.

so i was telling my mom about that girl the same day and how i did not trust her. 

AND SHE ENDED UP BEING THE BIGGEST BITCH I HAVE EVER MET IN MY LIFE. she spread rumors about me, was unnecessarily rude to me, gossiped about me bla blA BLA . i hated that bitch and apparently so did everybody else. so that's my whole intuition thing.


this one is kinda just creepy. so i was on vine scrolling through all my old vines so there's no way i could've remembered the sequence. so i pause one of the vines i was watching and check my group chat and then i texted them the lyrics to that song by the spice girls. but i texted them "tell me what you want, what you really really want."

so then i went back to the vine app ( which i hadn't closed yet ), and i scrolled down to the next vine AND THE VINE WAS PLAYING THE SONG WITH THE EXACT SAME WORDS "tell me what you want what you really really want." 

so i freaked the fAWK OUT and i told mad people LMAOOO and they were like "woah that's actually rlly cool." blah blah blah.


this is a more recent one because #3 happened a few months ago. but nothing that's sort of hit me as "i'm psychic" had popped up until about a week ago.

so it was during the school hour on a wednesday and i needed to get a pass from my actual study to go to the library. so i was walking out of the library to travel to my other study ( which i found to be extra af )

anyway, earlier that day i was thinking of this kid named frankie who was in my cluster last year and how i hadn't seen him in a long time, since he was in a different cluster with different teachers and classes. so i was really confused, but i was thinking about him because it had been a minute since i'd seen him earlier that day. 

so i walked out of the library and there frankie was being picked up early with his dad there. i guess that's a coincidence but seeing as these things have p much happen to me before i was just like o_o


just yesterday i was on a walk with my mom and i was talking to her about my friend who lives in korea nd is named soojin. so ya i was telling her how she hasn't read my text on this app that we use to text with for a long time. and then this morning i woke up to four text messages from soojin.


alright so these may not seem like a big deal but stuff like this sort of happens a lot in my family ??? 

this is just a little thing but the other day my mom and i were in the car i was in the back seat she was driving whatever. so we almost got into a BAD car crash like my seatbelt was holDING ME THE FUCK BACK. but for some reason i easily processed that we were about to crash and i instantly started worrying about my mom because i'd rather get badly hurt than her get hurt or die in one of these situations. and i was pretty calm with the fact that we were about to crash even though thank god we didn't. 

nyway, another thing is that sometimes when i don't wanna go places, i can just sort of tell when there's going to be an issue so we won't be able to go. like if i don't wanna go to an event then suddenly it will be canceled or SOMETHING will happen where we don't have to go, and i can usually tell when something is gonna happen where we won't have to go to the dreaded event that i don't want to go to. and i can usually tell while i'm getting ready for the event, my mind sort of just tells me that i won't have to go to the event after all. this happens all the time. 

and once when i was driving to school a couple days after a snow storm i'm not even joking and ik it sounds pretty false but i had a feeling that we would get into some trouble with the car even before we got in. 

like we would get a flat tire or something else would happen ( iT DEAD ASS CROSSED MY MIND THAT WE WOULD WITNESS A SMALL ACCIDENT OR HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT )

and whaddaya know, that day on our way to school, we got into a car accident, and didn't go to school cuz of whiplash.

and do you guys remember when i was ranting about how i was in my room and some fuckin PARANORMAL ASS SHIT WAS GOING ON. like my arm was being pulled and someone was shaking my hand and something like flew across my room ?? ?? so the other day i asked my mom about the lady who lived in the house before us and i remember hearing about a year ago on the phone that she was in critical condition and was on life support. so i asked my mom about her and she told me about the phone conversation and it sort of popped in my mind that the lady living in the house before us could have died and... yeah. 

anyway, if any of this stuff has happened to you drop a comment because i think these are pretty natural abilities or something idk.


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