morning routine

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i said goodnight. i was lying. goodnight now tho.

so i'm making a morning routine since i'll probably never film it and post it on youtube as long as i'm using my phone as my camera so here goes nothing.

also, i set a bunch of alarms in the morning basically telling me what to do and everything and it's super cute. picture up above. just so i can move quicker and not fall asleep on the toilet. u kno.

[ 5:45 a.m. ] i wake up, struggle a little, and then put on my robe and scurry on over to the bathroom. btw, i try to fall asleep from 10:30 pm to 12 am. really depends.

[ 5:48 a.m. ] i have an alarm to stop pottying bc knowing me i will fall asleep. tip: to stop falling asleep on the toilet for half an hour of your morning, set an alarm for two-three minutes after you start shitting and keep it in your room so you have to get up to turn it off.

[ 5:55 a.m. ] i brush my teeth. in the seven minutes between 5:48 and 5:55, i wash my face, put on deodorant and lotion. all that.

[ 6 a.m. ] i probs finish brushing my teeth like two minutes after the alarm goes off and then i start getting dressed. i attempt to plan out my outfits the day before. attempt failed.

[ 6:05 a.m. ] if i feel like it, i'll do my makeup. omg great idea zuz *idea pops up in head.* here's my makeup routine. it's real simple :))

1. brows - i use the la colors brow kit which sucks bootyhole lol. but i basically pluck them first, then highlight under my brows. then i fill in the "beginning" of my brows dark and the rest light. i should probably do that vice versa, but hey! no one's stopping this baddie ;)
2. i might do eyeshadow and might not. if i do, i usually do a very lowkey smokey eye that's not super dramatic and consists of light brown, dark brown and black .
3. i do my mascara which is the most fun part bc i don't need mascara since my lashes are full and curled and long but i appreciate mascara so i'm gonna use it.

[ 6:15 a.m. ] the ten mins between 6:05 and 6:15 are when i do my makeup. but then i go downstairs where my mom is probably doing yoga. what a qt. then, i feed my bunny and fish. i make my lunch and then my mom drops me off at school. usually takes about half an hour to get there bless. i have all the time in the world to do the hw that i procrastinated.

YAYYY so that was my morning routine i might post it on youtube one day. one day. not soon at all, but one day.

also, i rlly need to amp this rant book up woW lol this is lame. rantable 2.0 is even worse than #rantable lolol.


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