Episode 6

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"I can't believe you're Chunnin now! I know it's been a week already...but it still feels so unreal," Karin smiled as we walked into the Hyuga clan household.

"I understand you're excited, but you're starting to wear out the title," I smiled.

"Whatever," she shrugged.

We were cut off by Kota, a fellow Hyuga.

"Who do you request?"

"Um...Himenei. Who else," Karin sassed.

"Karin," I hissed.

He chuckled lowly to himself as he stepped aside.

"I'm just joking with you two...not all Hyuga are uptight," he said.

"Oh? Then which ones are uptight exactly?"

Hanabi came walking from behind Karin and I.

"L-lady Hanabi! I didn't mean you of course!"

I laughed lightly to myself as Karin and I walked towards Himenei's room.

As I prepared to knock lightly, Karin flung the door wide open.


Himenei came flying out of her bathhouse, swinging her foot into Karin's already prepared hand.

"I told you about shouting in my room! You know Neji will think something is wrong," she hissed.

"I don't care...as long as he's naked when he comes to see you," Karin grinned.

"This is new information to me...when was Neji seen naked," I asked.

"Oh goodness...just let it go...please," Himenei groaned as she pulled her hair into it's signature low ponytail.

"Alright...we'll be going on our first mission together right? It's been so long," Karin grinned.

"It has, and luckily we have Kenji as our instructor," I said eagerly.

Himenei and Karin began to frown at my words.

"Oh right...you two are having conflicts with Kenji right now," I chuckled.

"Not me...he's just annoying...plus I've seen his whole body, and I have yet to recover," Himenei shuddered.

"It's complicated between Kenji and I right now..."

"I guess we'll just have to see how things unfold then, won't we," I grinned as I exited Himenei's room.

I heard they're footsteps follow closely behind me as I walked.

We were on our way to the Hokage's mansion, before Kenji stopped us.

"Kagura wants to speak with you."

"Who," Himenei, Karin, and I asked in unison.

"The orange haired one," he smirked.

"For what," Karin spat.

He simply shrugged as Karin stomped past Himenei and I.

"Let's go," he said as he placed his arm around her shoulder.

She punched him in his stomach, making him fall over.

"That was another good one," he breathed out as she continued walking.

"Well...we can always go get the mission, and wait for her to return," Himenei suggested.

"That's true...besides, it isn't easy to choose a mission when Karin is around...she's so picky," I giggled.

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