I jumped into her arms and held on to her neck as I let the tears consume my vision.

"Oh my God mommy, how are you even hea' wit' me?! Why-Why are you hea'?" I asked breathlessly over her shoulder.

I know I asked for an answer but I didn't really care for it, I'm just happy I'm here with her.

"Because my daughter is lost and I need to help her find her way back."

"I'm not lost, not when I'm wit' you ma."

"Oh but you are my sweet child, look around you, all this darkness and silence."

I stepped away from her embrace so that I could get a good look at her, since I hadn't when I first seen her.

"God thank you so much." I whispered to myself.

She looked like the woman she used to be all those years ago. Those bags that once hung under her eyes hand diminished and her thin hair was now back to it's original full bouncy state. I then looked at her eyes, her eyes that use to always hold a cold distant stare. I looked deep into them and there it was, the one thing that I hadn't seen in her for years, love. I saw the adoration she had for me, the same adoration she had for me when I was nine years old.

She was back.

"Mama ya' beautiful again." I gasped in amazement.

"Oh so I was never beautiful to you." She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"No its juss'- ya' was- I, neva'mind."

She laughed that beautiful laugh that I remembered, putting a child-like smile on my face. I was still a small little girl around her.

"I'm just kidding baby girl, but what's really on my mind is why you're here."

I looked around in the darkness again and then back at her.

"Ma, where exactly is 'hea'?"

"Oh this my love is where most lost unsure souls end up," She looked at me and smiled,"Souls like yourself."

"What do you mean?"

She started walking and I quickly followed behind her.

"When souls of people that are alive are confused and unsure they come here, most of them wallow away not knowing which decision to make, so one is made for them based off the life they lived and the purity within them."

"Decision? I questioned not understanding.

"When you are a lost soul you have a decision of whether you want to stay or go back, the bad thing is if you stay you don't know whether you're going to the light or the flames."

"What'chu was mama?"

"I was you," She said flashing me that heart stopping smile,"I was lost just like you. I didn't know whether to come back or to stay, I roamed around in this darkness for days until I made my decision."

I looked at her and realized what she just said.

"Wayment, you had a choice ta' come back?!"

"Yes, but-,"

"You left me and Kali and ya' had'a choice ta' come back?!"

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now