Your Hero (Raphael)

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Thanks to his genius brother, Raphael was able to find out where you were. You had been taken to an old underground railway not far from where your home was; Raph made his way to you, hoping you were alright. He moved quickly above the rooftops, jumping from roof to roof and gaining speed every second. Raph was determined to get to you; the one special person in his life was now gone and not in reach, his feet and mind drove him forward.

After minutes of running, Raphael found the entrance to the railroad. Luckily it was out of view from public so he was able to get in easily. Once he was inside, he now knew why this place was abandoned; on the the ceiling were lights only hanging by a few cords which flickered on and off, trash was everywhere and the smell was awful. It was like he was in a horror movie it was so bad down there. But you were down here somewhere, and Rapahel wasn't leaving without you. He continued deeper into the tunnel, there were lights that lit up the dark hall to guide him. Raph's weapons were in his hands as he walked quietly down the tracks and listened for any movement that may lead to you.

But he wasn't having much luck, so he decided to contact Donnie with the communicator his brother gave him.

Once he called he could hear his brother chuckling in the background.

"I see it didn't take you long to get lost."

"Shut it." Raph said quickly. "Help me find (y/n). These tunnels go on forever."

Rapahel could hear Donnie in the background typing away on his computer. Thanks to his genius, it took Donnie only a couple of seconds to point his brother in the right direction.

"Got her. She's not far from you, just keep going straight."

And before Raph hung up, his brother warned about the other blips on his map; there were many enemies ahead which blocked Raphael's path to you. He as cautious, but nothing would stop him until you were safe with him.


"Go to hell Karai." You say as you glare at the dark haired girl. She had her pistol strapped close to her hip, trying to intimidate you into talking. But you were very stubborn every time she asked you a question. Rapahel had told you about her the first Time you met his family; Karai had worked for Shredder as his accomplice, commanding all of the Foot soldiers to provide support in battle. How they managed to find you you had no idea, but if only you could get your hands around her neck . . . You were enraged that she kept you in chains which were wrapped tightly around your wrists. The hide was starting to burn, leaving open wounds and scars on them.

"Point that thing in my face, and you still won't get anything from me."

The girl only laughed.

"Should you really be talking to me like that?" Karai said, "I hope you realize that there are more methods to make you talk."

You snorted and laughed sarcastically. "Like what? Threatening to kill me? What good am I dead?"

That's when Karai pulled off one of the most sliest smiles, you instantly regretted your previous choice of words. She chuckled as she walked casually over to you, and you slowly backed into the wall.

"Kill you? Ha." She said. "I don't have to do that to you to get the answers I need."

You watched Karai as she took a few steps away from you.

Then suddenly she grabbed your arm very forcefully and pulled you to the side, and then you saw her hand go to her belt.

"The hell are you doing?! Let go of me!" you scream. That's when your eyes met the silver of a blade, it's glare from the lights above met your eyes which gave you a clear view of what Karai was doing.

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