Chapter 51: Penny and Me, Charlotte and Me..

Start from the beginning

“Honestly you’d think I’m making you do pull-ups.” Johnny, the producer says through the mic.

“Yeah!” Savan joins in. “You’re singing about living while you’re young and you’re acting like a bunch of middle aged men like Paul.”

“Cheers, arsehole.” Paul calls from behind us and we laugh.



“I’m ready!” I exclaim, rushing out of the bathroom whilst adjusting the belt that holds my high waisted skirt up. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. I finally get Harry to myself for one whole day. That just never happens.

When I look up from my fixing, I see Harry’s tall frame near the balcony, his profile to me as he looks out the glass to the Parisian sky. His mobile is clutched tightly in the hand that isn’t rested on the door frame, but all his knuckles are white from pressure. Hmm, this isn’t the same Harry I left just fifteen minutes ago to get ready. I walk over, calling his name to snap him out of his deep thoughts. He jerks his head towards me and I wrap my arms around his slim waist, looking up at him.

“Everything alright?”

He gazes down at me, emerald green running over the features of my face. I immediately know something is wrong and I tighten my grip. “Harry what’s the matter?”

“Management called,” he murmurs after a bit and my arms slack a bit. No.. please no. He looks like he’s in pain as he says what he does next. “I have to pick her up from her interview and then we’re to go do some public sightings.”

My heart drops so far it feels like it’s in my knees. My arms fall from around him and I just shake my head.

“I don’t understand..”


“No.” I cut him off. “I understand they’re here to advise you and ensure success for you, but they’re supposed to manage your career. Not micromanage your entire life.” My voice is harsher than I intended, but after three days of being forced to watch my boyfriend hold hands and carry on a fake relationship with some tall leggy blonde, I’m all out of sorts.

Harry just listens, seemingly defeated. “I know..”

“Harry, I leave tomorrow.” I nearly plead and he grimaces.

“I know..”

A lump is in my throat and I choke it back. I shouldn’t be angry at him. It’s not his fault. I shouldn’t be angry  at him. But I am. So so angry. Maybe more angry at the situation than I am at him. But I’m still angry.

“So that’s it then.” I state, looking up at him. “The day’s ruined.”

He runs both hands in his hair giving me a glimpse of his forehead before shaking it all back in place.

“I don’t know what to do.” He’s deflated and my anger at him diminishes immediately. I never want him to be caught between me and his career. I would never be that girl.

“But you know what you’re going to do.” I softly say with a shrug.

“I don’t want to.” He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me into him again.

“You have to.” I mutter, not sounding convincing. “Just give them what they want, Harry.”

I reach up and kiss his cheek, patting his chest before pulling away and walking out of the room. A shuddering breath leaves me and I pull myself together before knocking on Zayn and Charlie’s room. “Hey, Els.” Zayn’s opens for me, stepping aside with a smile to let me in.

My Reason To Be (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now