Chapter 75: Mutual Affection

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In the afternoon, Jiang Chenyu returned home. Gu Nuannuan and Jiangsu had already finished school and were back. Seeing him, Gu Nuannuan quickly ran to him, "Honey, you're back."

Jiang Chenyu noticed the cautious look in her eyes. He opened his arms to hug his wife but quickly let go, saying, "Be good. I have some matters to attend to. Go play for a bit."

He pointed at Jiangsu and called, "You, come upstairs."

Jiangsu, lounging on the sofa playing with a cushion, tossed it aside and followed his uncle up the stairs to the study.

"Uncle, if you're going to punish me, just do it already. Don't keep me on edge."

Jiangsu was almost ready to volunteer for a stint in the 'little black room' for punishment.

Jiang Chenyu said, "I don't know what you all are up to, but I'm warning you, if anything happens to your aunt, you'll be held accountable. You are not to go to such places again."

Jiangsu thought about the feisty little wife of his uncle, knowing she wouldn't be one to listen to him easily. If Gu Nuannuan heeded his words, he would have been free from being under her thumb long ago.

"Do you hear me?" Jiang Chenyu demanded sternly.

Jiangsu didn't respond. Agreeing and failing to comply would be worse in his uncle's eyes. Better to stay silent.

Someone knocked on the door, followed by a tentative, soft voice, "Honey, can I come in?"

Jiangsu commented, "Uncle, she waited for you all night and cried secretly during class today."

Jiang Chenyu frowned at this. He had told her to go to sleep last night, but knowing someone was worried about him, how could she easily sleep?

Jiangsu continued, "Uncle, you are the first person I've seen whose moods influence hers so strongly. Your happiness or anger affects her own. She always keeps your words in mind. She lights up at the mention of your name and won't let anyone say a bad word about you, even though she might. She loves you openly, and we can all see it. You must feel it too."

Jiang Chenyu was momentarily stunned. He knew his wife cared for him, but hearing this from his nephew still surprised him. After the surprise came joy— the joy of realizing that the person he secretly liked also had feelings for him.

Jiangsu confidently stated, "You're her first love. She's never been in a relationship, so she might not even know this is love. We're outsiders and can see it clearly. She has never cared about someone's opinion this much before. Since you started ignoring her, she's been miserable. She asked when you'd be back during breakfast, stared at her phone during lunch, and didn't touch her favorite snacks. At home, she kept looking at the door. When you finally returned, she was scared of making you angry. When you hugged her, she was happy. When you didn't talk to her, she teared up. In a relationship, the one who loves more is always more careful. You love her too, so why not treat her better?"

Jiangsu was no fool. He could see his uncle's affection for Gu Nuannuan. A man who once vowed never to marry now pampered a young woman, taught her to drive, played with her, and did so much more. All these details made it clear how Jiang Chenyu felt.

"I didn't ignore her," Jiang Chenyu finally said after a long pause, trying to justify himself. He had been preoccupied with a person he had been searching for fifteen years, and when that person suddenly appeared, it overshadowed everything else, including his feelings for his wife.

Gu Nuannuan, standing at the door with a cup of hot water, waited for a long time. Finally, feeling dejected, she lowered her head and thought, "So he doesn't want me to go in."

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