Chapter 62: Making Husband Gain Weight

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Jiang Su was convinced of a saying: "Holding onto Gu Nuan Nuan's thigh at home is more effective than praising my little uncle ten thousand times."

Soon, Wei Aihua also arrived. "I just called my husband, and he won't be coming home for lunch. Let's eat first."

Jiang Lao grumbled, "This eldest son of mine, why didn't he say so earlier? The food in the house is prepared for him again."

This ordinary remark struck a chord with Gu Nuan Nuan.

She bit the chopstick and looked at her family at the dining table, finally fixing her gaze on her husband, smiling sweetly.

Jiang Chenyu's heart raced.

He knew clearly that this wasn't the palpitation of infatuation but a faint sense of unease.


"Let's eat."

"Husband~ I have something to tell you."

Jiang Chenyu picked up a piece of meat and fed it to her. "Open your mouth."

Gu Nuan Nuan obediently opened her mouth, ate the meat her husband fed her, and then, while chewing, said, "Husband, can you create a group chat?"

Jiang Chenyu fed her another piece of meat.

Gu Nuan Nuan continued speaking with food in her mouth, "Just like last time when you created that WeChat group for our family..."

"Keep eating," Jiang Chenyu fed her another piece of meat.

At the dining table, everyone watched silently as Jiang Chenyu fed his wife.

They watched as her small mouth could hardly fit any more food, yet Jiang Chenyu continued to feed her.

"Um, husband, I can't fit any more in my mouth. Let me swallow this and then talk to you about something important."

Jiang Chenyu picked up a bowl of soup and brought it to her lips. "Drink some to calm your stomach."

Gu Nuan Nuan drank it.

Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Chenyu fed her another piece of vegetable.

With a shout of "Husband," she would receive another piece of food in her mouth.

In the end, Gu Nuan Nuan stopped talking.

Jiang Chenyu asked, "Still want more? Let me feed you."

"Jiang Chenyu, am I disabled?"

Jiang Chenyu: "...Why do you ask that?"

"Then why are you treating me like I am? I have hands, I can feed myself."

Jiang Chenyu was scolded by his little wife in front of everyone.

He didn't get angry or refute her, much to everyone's surprise.

Instead, he awkwardly touched his nose.

Onlookers felt that Jiang Chenyu didn't dare to argue back!

They all expected Jiang Chenyu to scold Gu Nuan Nuan publicly and regain his dignity.

But instead of exploding, he fed his wife another piece of food.

Gu Nuan Nuan, feeling frustrated, glanced at the piece of fish in front of her. Instead of refusing her husband's dish to show her dissatisfaction, she ate it directly.

Gu Nuan Nuan noticed everyone around her looking at her husband and then thought of her earlier outburst. It was in front of everyone, after all, and he was her husband. She had to save him some face.

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