Chapter 70: Swiping Her Brother's Card

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During that time, Su Linyan noticed tens of thousands of dollars disappearing from his bank account. He started to worry that his sister might be doing drugs. To put his mind at ease, he took Su Xiaomo to the hospital for a blood test.

After confirming she wasn't on drugs, Su Linyan interrogated her, "Where did all the money go?"

He wasn't against his sister spending his money, but her sudden large expenditures and transfers to strangers made him worry she might be involved in an online scam.

After scrutinizing all her social media accounts and finding nothing suspicious, Su Xiaomo couldn't withstand her brother's intense questioning and confessed everything.

"Bro, I bought cards."

"What kind of cards cost over twenty thousand dollars?"

Feeling scared, Su Xiaomo reluctantly explained the underground gambling rings to her brother.

"Bro, you can't go and arrest them! It's all legitimate and legal."

Su Linyan snapped, "Say that one more time!"

Su Xiaomo fell silent.

In the end, Su Linyan accepted that his sister had already spent the money and there was nothing he could do. He consoled himself, thinking at least she knew to spend money to avoid physical fights.

So, all three friends eventually qualified for the fifth level, the Midfield.

The fifth level, known as Midfield, required 64 participants. The card for Midfield was the Wood Card. From this stage on, matches followed strict rules. Pairings were determined by the system based on each participant's combat skills and advancement methods.

By a twist of fate, Jiangsu's opponent turned out to be Su Xiaomo, who had bought her way through. Since both were anomalies, the system paired them together.

Seeing this result, Gu Nuanwarm commented, "This works out well. I won't have to worry about either of you getting hurt." After all, they knew each other and could just put on a show and raise a white flag.

So, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the two engaged in a game of "rock-paper-scissors" on the stage. Su Xiaomo won two out of three rounds and became a Midfield contender, earning the Wood Card.

Someone accused them of cheating, saying, "This is supposed to be a boxing match, not a kid's game."

Su Xiaomo retorted, "How do you play 'rock-paper-scissors'? Don't you use your fists? We were using our fists, so how's that cheating?"

Unable to out-argue Su Xiaomo, someone challenged her. That's when Gu Nuanwarm stepped in, "I'll fight for her."

Seeing "Auntie" step up, the crowd quickly backed off. This woman was unbeatable.

Matches in Midfield and higher levels could only be watched by those holding Blue Cards or higher. Above Midfield was the Red Field, which acted as a transition to the advanced stages.

Midfield retained 64 participants, and Red Field kept 32. Each match required participants to give their all.

Lower-level participants could challenge higher-level ones. If successful, they would take over the higher position. If they lost, they would swap places with the winner.

For instance, Jiangsu, holding a Blue Card, could watch Midfield and higher matches but couldn't participate in them. Su Xiaomo, holding a Wood Card, had a high status.

If Jiangsu wanted to challenge Su Xiaomo, with her consent, they could duel. If Jiangsu won, he would take her Wood Card, and Su Xiaomo would revert to a Blue Card and work her way up again. If Jiangsu lost, he would be demoted to the entry level.

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