Chapter 56: Ignorant Mr. Jiang

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Ge Nuannuan's face flushed instantly as she recalled those words, feeling utterly embarrassed. "Don't investigate it. If you must, wait until we leave. Otherwise, where would the face of the CEO's wife be?"

The surrounding onlookers respectfully halted their activities, watching the CEO and his wife depart.

Jiang Chenyu gazed at his lively little wife, a mixture of joy in his heart.

Once inside the elevator, the staff in the CEO's office immediately opened the webpage, causing another round of gasps.

Inside the elevator.

Ge Nuannuan blushed at their teasing remarks, but her husband asked her, "What's the meaning of a bouquet of twelve roses?"

"You have a phone, why don't you look it up yourself?" she said shyly, pouting.

"I want to hear it from you," Jiang Chenyu insisted.

Ge Nuannuan hesitated to utter the words, feeling bashful.

Seeing her struggle, Jiang Chenyu coaxed, "Come on, don't be shy with me, my dear wife. We're a couple."

Ge Nuannuan, feeling flustered despite being able to give away flowers easily, finally said, "It means 'my love for you grows stronger every day'."

Hearing this, Jiang Chenyu smiled.

If the occasion had allowed, he would have hugged his wife tightly and showered her with affection in his own way.

Suppressing the surge of emotions inside him, Jiang Chenyu maintained a calm demeanor and reminded her, "Remember what you just said, that your love for me should grow stronger every day."

"No, honey, that's the language of flowers," Ge Nuannuan protested coyly.

"The flowers were given by you, so the meaning conveyed is yours," Jiang Chenyu insisted.

The elevator doors opened.

In the lobby of the Jiang Group, a rare sight unfolded.

The CEO, holding roses in hand, walked out of the elevator with a young girl, who seemed a bit reluctant, while he smiled as if the spring breeze brushed his face.

Suddenly, the onlookers remembered the girl who had been running around the company building with roses earlier.

It turned out that the fortunate recipient of the roses was the CEO himself. And could the reluctantly smiling girl be the rumored wife?

Discussions ensued, all filled with blessings.

Jiang Chenyu received the roses.

For some reason, his brothers got wind of this.

The group chat exploded.

"Breaking news in Z City, all related to our famous Mr. Jiang. Which one should we start with?"

"Let's hear them one by one," said Nangong Zi of Chaozhou.

"Standing up for his wife, acquiring Z University, and giving roses to his dainty wife."



Even Yan Zhenyu, the most composed one, questioned, "How much of this is true?"

They all knew Jiang Chenyu was not the impulsive type. Acquiring a company was not something he would do recklessly, unless there was money to be made.

Acquiring a university had limited profits and consumed a lot of energy. Jiang Chenyu, who was high and mighty, would never do such a thing.

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