Chapter 38: First Time Taking Care of a Patient

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Ge Nuannuan pouted, "Well, yeah, just feeling a bit awkward."

Well, as expected, this couple isn't exactly cut out for caretaking.

They both forgot about Grandpa lying in bed.

Ge Nuannuan was feeding Grandpa water, one cup at a time, while Jiang Chenyu sat beside him, occasionally checking the IV drip.

Grandpa couldn't help feeling hungry. He asked, "Can you ask the housekeeper when breakfast is coming?"

Ge Nuannuan's hand holding the cup froze in mid-air.

Grandpa had been awake for an hour already, and they'd completely forgotten about the breakfast they brought.

Jiang Chenyu coughed awkwardly.

"Dad, um... when we came, we actually brought you breakfast. But you were asleep, and we just left it in the corner and forgot about it. And then... well, we forgot until now."

Yep, these two really aren't reliable.

Grandpa was getting annoyed. Were these two kids here just to torment him? They couldn't even remember to feed the patient!

Jiang Chenyu got up and brought over the breakfast box from the side table.

Ge Nuannuan hastily set up the table for Jiang Chenyu to prepare breakfast for Grandpa.

Trying to cover up her earlier mistake, she said, "Dad, sorry about that. I didn't realize our thermos was so effective. It's been a couple of hours, and the porridge is still warm."

"Then do I have to thank you for cooling down my porridge?" Grandpa retorted.

"Hey, we're family, no need for thanks," Ge Nuannuan said with a straight face.

Her attitude actually made Grandpa chuckle.

Jiang Chenyu served the meal, and Ge Nuannuan, to make up for her earlier forgetfulness, volunteered to feed Grandpa.

Grandpa hesitated, "Are you sure you can feed me?"

"No worries, no poison. Just eat," Ge Nuannuan scooped up a spoonful of porridge, not bothering to blow on it, and held it out to Grandpa.

Grandpa cautiously took a sip, "Mmm, hot! Hot!"

After that first sip, Grandpa's tongue felt like it was being attacked by fiery ants, and tears welled up in his eyes from the heat.

Seeing Grandpa's discomfort, Ge Nuannuan panicked, "Oh no, what do we do, Dad? I... I didn't know what to do?"

Grandpa's mouth still burning, Ge Nuannuan turned to the silent patient for help.

Jiang Chenyu quickly handed a piece of paper to his father's mouth, "Dad, you spit it out."

Grandpa spat the mouthful of hot porridge into his son's hand.

Taking a deep breath to cool his mouth, Grandpa said, "Nuan, go rest, dear. Dad's old and can't be your guinea pig."

Ge Nuannuan lowered her head in embarrassment. She had messed up again.

"Then, I'll let my husband feed you," Ge Nuannuan got up from her seat, glancing at her husband.

Jiang Chenyu went to the bathroom to wash his hands before returning to sit by the bed and accept the bowl handed to him by his wife.

The usually confident Jiang was feeling nervous.

He had never taken care of anyone, let alone fed them.

Jiang Chenyu might handle the cutthroat world of business with ease, but feeding his father? That was another story.

Taking the bowl from his wife, his wrist felt stiff.

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